Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Friday, December 26, 2008
Christmas Day is over but the celebrations will continue....
As for yesterday, all DID go without a hitch!! It actually makes you sit back and wonder what all the worry was about beforehand.
The kids decided that their excitment couldn't wait until after 6am and that's when they woke us up! Alex was really happy that Santa had been but Oliver wasn't that happy as there was no table tennis table to be seen. He had his heart set on getting on and because it wasn't next to the Christmas tree in the loungeroom he had a dark cloud over his head... that was until he went outside and saw one under the verandah!!
I was spoiled by my family this year. Reduced to tears by their cards and gifts - I received a Galialo Thermometre, a toe ring, a necklace and an amazing quilt cover!! Wow - OMG I was very surprise at the thought that had gone into the present process this year.
Everyone sat down and the food fest began... I printed off a menu, tied it with red and silver ribbon for everyone to read whilst waiting for the entrees to be served with a thank you message at the bottom... it really was quite cheezy but something I wanted to do. Everyone liked them anyway. So overall, lunch was well received and Noel, Mam and I were happy with our efforts.
More presents after the feast - all children were definately spoiled from all sides. I couldn't believe some of the gifts that they received. And to top it off, Noel and I received Nigella Lawson's Christmas cookbook off Sharon as a thank you for Christmas Day and for all of the year... I am definately in my element when reading a cookbook! Thanks Sharon - this last year has definately been a pleasure having both you and Tom in our lives.
Sean and Vicky had to go off to Vicky's family for dinner. Personally, I couldn't eat another meal especially after the lunch we had so I did not envy the mere thought of it at all. Sharon, after a little snooze on the couch, went home with Tom and I hope that they both truly had a great time.
Not long after the Abba Sing Star (Alex's present) was opened and that was the start of the party. Alex, Mam, Clare, Mam and even Dad got into the act and belted out a few ABBA songs before Mam and Dad left as they are taking the caravan down to Port Fairy for Sean and Vicky's holiday. The rest of us then sang our hearts out and also played Guitar Hero (Oliver's present) until the wee wee wee hours of the morning. A few people surrounding me are not feeling the best but I suppose it just goes to show that a good time was had by one and all......
As usual too much food but lots of yummy leftovers. Today is quite quiet in comparision to yesterday for which most of us are glad. Noel and Alex have taken Clare up to one of her friends' houses, Mam is watching a Barbara Streisand DVD that she got for Christmas, Oliver is trying to work out who Barbara Streisand is, and I have to admit, I am now sipping on a Champagne Cocktail... well it is the Festive Season after all!!!
My husband has just returned from dropping Clare off and he is armed with two crayfish... so it looks like it's seafood for lunch!! OMG life is just soooooo hard!!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you all............
Monday, December 22, 2008
Was my weekend better than Christmas? Nearly!!
After picking Mam up from outside my sister's house (I didn't want to go inside so that was my choice) we went home where the kids just greeted Grandma with cuddles and excited chatter. It was wonderful to see all three faces beaming with love and joy. I quickly showed Mam around our new house as this was her first visit since the move, kindly asking her to put her blinkers on as it was quite a mess!! Not that she was bothered but I did explain that I wasn't expecting her and she understood.
Sharon was already at our house as we we had planned to go shopping. So quickly Mam and I got ready and off the 3 ladies went to battle Frankston. Surprisingly there wasn't really a battle. In actual fact we have found the shops quiet all weekend.
Mam came to work with me on Saturday morning, which for some strange reason she enjoys. I enjoy her company too, selfishly it's just the two of us and we can chat, etc. Saturday morning's mission was to wrap the presents we had already purchased to save one job on Christmas eve. That accomplished (thanks to Mam - you are a trooper!! MWAH!!) we closed the weighbridge and went down to the office where we were having my work breakup. There was a pig on a spit (a full pig) and it looked too good to eat. Mam was in awe of it and must say it tasted damn good as well. It was quite a casual affair but enjoyable to say the least.
More shopping on the way home but then we finally made it home much to Mam's delight. Neither of us like shopping (except for food shopping of course). Aimlessly wandering from shop to shop is not my idea of fun but at this time of year it's very hard not to do just that. Looking here and there for presents to jump of the shelf and say "pick me, pick me"!! However I did manage to pick up one layby.
Saturday night was special for Oliver as his mate, Kypton, from school rang in the afternoon to see if Oliver wanted to go for a sleepover. OF COURSE HE DID!! So it was just us and Alex. She adores Grandma and they sat watching the Christmas Carols together, we had all the candles/tealights lit around the loungeroom making it look special.
Another quick trip to the shops Sunday morning this time for the groceries. Then we had a bbq brunch before setting off on the next mission for the weekend. The mission, which we didn't have an option of accepting, it just had to be done was to tidy the patio area and decorate it for Christmas. Every year I do a different Christmas theme (everyone always comes to us for Christmas day). This year I had chosen the colours of red, silver and white and I had a vision in my head, that I had to describe to Noel and Mam, which didn't really describe my vision if you know what I mean. So I put all the tinsel and bags of ornaments on the table and asked for their help. We put up tinsel around the area where we will eat and then hung snowflakes and fairies everywhere. God it looks ace, it's perfect (even if I say so myself) it's the best we have ever done and will definately take some beating next year! According to Mam, my face said it all!! So did hers.... Thank you Noel and Mam, it wouldn't look this special without your input and help!!
(I will take photo's and post them here soon. I can't just yet as I need to surprise a few people who are coming for Christmas day.....and they read my blog!)
Last night all of us went out for Chinese with Mam and Dad meeting us there. It was great to see all three of our parents chatting away. I am so glad that since the day Noel and I met both families have gotten on really well. It was like watching long lost friends catching up last night. As usual the meal was great with all plates being devoured. The kids are staying at Nana and Grandad's now until Tuesday night so they went home with them. Mam, Noel and I came home and had a few drinks sitting under our newly decorated patio listening to some music. It was a relaxing yet brilliant way to finish off the weekend.
Finally it is Monday again and sadly I had to drop Mam back at Claire's. But it's only until Tuesday when I pick her up again after work and the doctors! I sent my nephew's Christmas presents off with Mam this morning. I would have dearly loved to give them to the boys myself, to see their faces and hopefully enjoyment from the gift but unfortunately it's not going to happen this year.
(Maybe things will change in the future but I can't sit around and wait. I need to get on with my life and that's what I intend to do. Hopefully this will be the last time that I mention this issue because the more I think about it the more it hurts and consumes me. I bet it's not bothering Claire one little bit. So that's it... no more!!)
As I mentioned I had such a wonderful weekend - I couldn't of wished for a better few days with mam and my family. I cannot wait for Christmas Day when we are all together again... thirteen of us blessing the table this year. Of course there is Noel, Oliver, Alex and me, the three grandparents, Grandma, Nana and Grandad, Clare (who flies in from Sydney on Christmas Eve), Sean, Vicky and Christian, Sharon and Tom. Hopefully Christmas 2009 will be a day that we all enjoy and remember!
Friday, December 19, 2008
The feelings of a Friday especially this Friday...
Feeling rather emotional most of this morning - due to the fact that I am longing for that mother/daughter hug, drained from a week of Noel doing night shift and then there is that always nagging problem of my sister in the back of my head. Why can't I shift my thoughts? hhhmmm seriously need to work on that but then that would involve thinking about it....
Anyway this morning after speaking with Mam I have resigned myself to the fact that we wouldn't be seeing her until Tuesday evening. She had decided the right thing to do would be to spend time with Claire and her family. Heartbreaking as it was, I had to accept this fact considering big mouth here actually planted that thought seed the other day as a nice guesture only to ponder whether if the situation was reversed if Claire would have the same care factor as me... definately not is the answer I came up with!
But then the whole situation changed when my mobile rang and it was Mam. Considering the fact that Claire had made plans that Mam didn't want anything to do with so was ringing to ask if we could scap plan #1 and if she could come over to our house for the weekend? Like as if she had to ask at all!! Needless to say once I finish here at work I will be driving to my sisters, SMILING of course, to pick up Mam and take her to our happy (a little bit messy I must admit to) household.
The kids are going to be really excited to see Grandma again.. they asked about her last night so it will be great to see their faces light up when she walks in the door tonight.
Speaking of tonight we will be off shopping just the girls.... Mam, Sharon and me. So that should be an adventure in itself. Then its work for me in the morning and then my work breakup on site. This year it's a pig on a spit, bbq and salads etc. Afterwards better get to cleaning and decorating our outside area for Christmas day and ensuring everything else is in place for next Thursday.
But the best thing of all this weekend is Mam will now be with us until Monday morning....
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Grandma arrives today.....
Sunday, December 14, 2008
The Thirteenth of December .....
Friday, December 12, 2008
2008 Christmas Concert!!
WOW!! The Christmas Concert at the school was ace this year. This year the concert was held outside, the school decided to use it's new grassed (synthetic) courtyard and it was such a better atmosphere being outside with a breeze instead of being all crammed into the stuffy hall. Great move on the school's behalf.
Every year each class gets up and sings 2 or 3 Christmas Carols each. Then Sants pays the school a visit giving all the kids an icypole and a little bag of lollies. It's bedlam normally at some parts of the evening but tonight it just seemed to go off so smoothly.
I must admit Alex is right at home on the stage.. maybe it's something worth looking into. She puts her whole heart into the songs, not only with the words but with the actions too. (Do I sound bias? I think so!! LOL!!)
Mam and Dad came to witness the festivities and as per usual some of the acts guaranteed a laugh. I love the way the littlee's know the chorus and sing it out at the top of their lungs only to mumble the verses.... and the funny little moves that they do up on stage. Their innocence is magic and as said, sometimes oh so funny.
Oliver was on stage for two songs with his class but sadly there was mainly only the grade 5's as the grade 6's didn't have to do it. I think that was a shame especially with them being in the last year of primary school. I understand that they are growing up and it's probably not "too cool" but afterall it's Christmas and I think it is such a special thing for all the kids to do. The 5/6's weren't as organised as some of the others but they did well! Oliver got into though which I suppose is the main thing. Got to love the baggy shirt and pants look - he had to be fashionable!!
Strangely the concert seemed to go quite quick this year but as I said it was more organised than previous years. I am glad it wasn't such a late night as the kids are so tired now that the school year is coming to a close - it's hard enough to get them up in the morning as it is......
Thursday, December 11, 2008
A successful trip to the doctors.....
Hooray for the second appointment in a row I was deemed "NORMAL" - correction my BP was.
Yesterday's reading was 130/80 so both the doctor and I were very happy. I don't have another appointment now until the 23rd December!! Frankly that should be interesting because by then I am sure that my BP will be sky high stressing over Christmas lunch (at our house) two days later!! hehehehe Still on the same tablets so I guess I will just have to remain calm and relaxed... HA as if?!?!?!
Tonight is the school concert, so I will be rushing home from work, picking up the kids from school, buying them McDonalds for dinner (yes I promised) and then getting back down the school for around 6.30pm. Noel's working overtime so he will come straight from work. Should be a really interesting night - I know that I am looking forward to it.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Survey of 100 things....
I have just read this on another blog that I read, Mummifiedtimesfive, and thought it would be an interesting survey to undertake. Not sure of it's origin but I would say it's American considering some of the items.
The rules are quite simple. Below is a list of 100 statements. All you need to do is bold the ones you have done.
1. Started your own blog
2. Slept under the stars
3. Played in a band
4. Visited Hawaii
5. Watched a meteor shower
6. Given more than you can afford to charity.
7. Been to Disneyland
8. Climbed a mountain.
9. Held a praying mantis
10. Sang a solo
12. Visited Paris
13. Watched a lightning storm at sea
14. Taught yourself an art from scratch
15. Adopted a child
16. Had food poisoning
17. Walked to the top of the Statue of Liberty
18. Grown your own vegetables
19. Seen the Mona Lisa in France
20. Slept in an overnight train
21. Had a pillow fight
22. Hitchhiked
23. Taken a sick day when you’re not ill
24. Built a snow fort
25. Held a lamb
26. Gone skinny dipping
27. Run a marathon
28. Ridden in a gondola in Venice
29. Seen a total eclipse (solar)
30. Watched a sunrise or sunset
31. Hit a home run
32. Been on a cruise
33. Seen Niagara Falls in person
34. Visited the birthplace of your ancestors
35. Seen an Amish community
36. Taught yourself a new language
37. Had enough money to be truly satisfied
38. Seen the Leaning Tower of Pisa in person
39. Gone rock climbing
40. Seen Michelangelo’s David
41. Sung karaoke
42. Seen Old Faithful geyser erupt
43. Bought a stranger a meal at a restaurant
44. Visited Africa
45. Walked on a beach by moonlight
46. Been transported in an ambulance
47. Had your portrait painted
48. Gone deep sea fishing
49. Seen the Sistine Chapel in person
50. Been to the top of the Eiffel Tower in Paris
51. Gone scuba diving or snorkeling
52. Kissed in the rain
53. Played in the mud
55. Been in a movie
56. Visited the Great Wall of China
57. Started a business
58. Taken a martial arts class
59. Visited Russia
60. Served at a soup kitchen
61. Sold Girl Scout Cookies
62. Gone whale watching
63. Got flowers for no reason
66. Visited a Nazi Concentration Camp
67. Bounced a check
68. Flown in a helicopter
69. Saved a favorite childhood toy
70. Visited the Lincoln Memorial
71. Eaten cavier.
72. Pieced a quilt
73. Stood in Times Square
74. Toured the Everglades
75. Been fired from a job
76. Seen the Changing of the Guards in London
77. Broken a bone
78. Been on a speeding motorcycle
79. Seen the Grand Canyon in person
80. Published a book
81. Visited the Vatican
82. Bought a brand new car
83. Walked in Jerusalem
84. Had your picture in the newspaper
85. Read the entire Bible
86. Visited the White House
87. Killed and prepared an animal for eating
88. Had chicken pox
89. Saved someone’s life
90. Sat on a jury
91. Met someone famous
92. Joined a book club
93. Lost a loved one
94. Had a baby
95. Seen the Alamo in person
96. Swam in the Great Salt Lake
97. Been involved in a lawsuit
98. Owned a cell phone
99. Been stung by a bee
100. Read an entire book in one day
Okay 33 out of 100 isn't too bad I suppose.... there are a few more on the list I could mark off if I put my mind to it..
Let me know if you have a go at the survey????
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
December is becoming a blur.....
Plus on the down side I am still quite consumed with my sister and our issues, she hasn’t made contact with me and to be totally honest I actually expect that she won’t. As I said the other day I just need to move on, accept was has happened and don’t hold my breath of a miracle happening in the near future!
However, I finally got time to sit down and send a quick email to Nea, in New Zealand. She probably thinks that I had disappeared into a crack somewhere but as I did try to explain to her it’s just that at the moment we have been so, so busy. I felt so bad for not writing to her sooner! Sorry, Nea!!
Speaking of time (or lack of) I have been that overwhelmed that I haven’t even written my Christmas Cards – in fact I haven’t even thought of doing them. Might have to send out “Happy New Year” cards – lol!! So sorry to any of you out there reading this…..
This week sees me back at the doctor’s tomorrow night for my fortnightly BP check-up! Alexandria also has an appointment for a little bit of day surgery (having a wart removed from the back of her neck – it’s in her hair line and bothers her quite a lot). Cross fingers that she won’t scream the doctor’s surgery down like she did when we got her cast removed from her leg!
Thursday night is the school’s Christmas Concert at 7pm. Should be an interesting evening, it normally is. The school go to quite some effort. This year, if the weather remains nice, the concert will take place in the Sherlock Courtyard and not in the stuffy hall! Each class sings 2 – 3 songs, there are raffles for Christmas Hampers and of course, Santa comes and brings all the kids a bag of lollies and an icypole. Nana and Grandad attend every year also, which makes the kids feel so special and of course, excited.
Saturday is our special day. The 13th of December is the day our family always puts up the Christmas tree … signalling the 12 days of Christmas. (We take it down on the 6th January – another 12 days). Just the mere thought of putting up the Christmas Tree makes me feel that Christmas is officially on its way.
To be honest I don’t really get that excited about Christmas when the decorations first appear in the shops as all the special holidays (Christmas and Easter especially) are becoming too commercialised not to mention too early but when Noel puts all the lights up outside, we start baking and menu planning Christmas lunch, organising special presents, etc - it all just seems to bring that inner feeling of excitement – you know that feeling you get when you are a kid and something exciting is about to happen?
Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights so far we have not a thing firmly planned except of course for the usual grocery shopping and at some stage I must pull my finger out and get some Christmas Present shopping done. Thankfully the majority of it is already on layby but then there are quite of few of the “little” things still to organise. (At the moment it just all seems never ending).
There are Christmas Carols up at Casey Fields on Saturday night, which I wouldn’t mind attending (they even have fireworks) but would much prefer to go to a Carols in Frankston but I haven’t seen any advertised – must keep looking. Will have to check with Alison if she knows of any happening locally.
Mind you saying that we have nothing planned doesn’t mean that they are our final plans for the weekend (everyone who knows us is witness to our “spur of the moment” planning hehehe) - there are so many people we need/want to catch up with before the whirlwind of Christmas consumes us completely, and I am trying to plan it so we do catch up with them even if it’s only for a quick drink.
Better go as I said, lots to do…..
Friday, December 05, 2008
Finally I was strong so why do I feel like shit?
Anyway after mulling over my options since Wednesday I finally made my decision.
I rang her this morning. It was hard as I tried to be strong and sound positive whilst holding back tears. I thanked her for her invitation, told her that we would not be coming because I don't want to play "happy families" anymore just because Mam is visiting when she cannot be bothered to contact me any other time of the year and basically that I have given up trying to invite them for dinner, etc. I did say that I wished more than anything that we could be friends and even sisters.
All she could say was "I know what you mean"!!!
I suggested if she wanted to discuss this just the two of us could go for a coffee if she wanted to.
The phone conversation ended with "will talk to you later" then the dial tone! No goodbyes just a hang up.....
I know that something needed to be done as I cannot continue with all the heart ache and the hoping that the situation will just miraculously change one day and we will behave like a normal family again.
In a way I think I may have acted selfishly and put my feelings first but it hurts to know that she is so close, wants nothing to do with me, doesn't want to interact with me or my family and only contacts me for special occasions (birthdays etc.) or when Mam is down visiting hence the "happy families" label!
Not only do I feel sorry for me though.... it's not all about me! I feel sorry for the 6 kids involved. My kids don't know their cousins and their cousins don't know them!!! They are going to grow up not knowing each other and that is really sad!!!
The only thing I regret about the phone call is that I didn't ask her what I did to make her not want to associate with me or my family?
It's not going to change, I know that now.... and although it hurts I must get on and enjoy my life!
Monday, December 01, 2008
Guess what?
Once again another weekend has flown. Managed to get a few things done around the house - nothing earth moving though. A little cleaning, a little relaxing, played scrabble on facebook whilst the kids watched a dvd, helped with some homework, but most of all I got my cwch! Several infact and they were all nice.
We did manage to go shopping - popped into a few shops we haven't been to for awhile. Found a new indian food shop in Carrum Downs. Checked out the Warehouse - oh and we even bought an inflatable chimney complete with Santa's legs to put on the roof!!
Noel has been very busy with putting the lights up over the weekend and even today (he has an RDO) he bought some more lights so it will be interesting to see what they look like tonight! Oliver actually told Noel yesterday "That you are the best dad in the world and you are doing a great job with the lights!" I know that this meant a lot to Noel.
(Thankfully this is no longer on our bed and it is on the roof!! The legs go up and down and I must say it looks quite good. Look at my man... proud as punch!)
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Family Time Version # 3
Why am I so cheery??? Not quite too sure but I think it's because I have decided that I am not going to plan out the day - will just take it as it comes!
"Family Time" today will be just go with the flow and see what happens. I suppose that's the only way we are going to get it right!
No only kidding.... we have had a great weekend so far even though it wasn't exactly what was in mind.
Yesterday Noel and the kids met me at work just as I was finishing. We went to Dandenong, planned to do shopping there but ended up going to an Indian Cafe for lunch. It was really good food and quite cheap. YUM!!
Today so far... we have done nothing exciting. Alex is watching a movie in our room, Oliver is doing his homework, Noel is pottering around doing housework and I am sitting on my fat bum in front of the computer.
..... could be a very lazy day.... and we are all still in our pj's!!
Saturday, November 29, 2008
"Family Time" version #2!!
Friday night didn't happen as I had planned BUT that's okay!! Sharon popped in for a drink and a vent as she (and Tom) have had an interesting week with our school. Tom has been bullied (bitten, hit and stabbed with a pencil) to the point where he retalliated and now all of a sudden Tom is the child with issues... go figure? Needless to say after a few chardy's there was no way this little duck was going shopping. So when Sharon left we settled down and watch a movie as a family and had Jaffles (Toasted Sandwiches) for dinner... OMG the last time we had Jaffles for dinner we were sitting in the middle of the bush, camping!! And I must admit it was ACE!!
So today the new plan is...... work until 12pm, do a quick run around the shops to get supplies and then it's home. Cleaning will be on the agenda but I am still going to ensure I get that family time happening over the next two days!!
Plus I still a cwch!!!!!
Friday, November 28, 2008
"Family Time"
BUT this weekend is going to be all about us... the kids, Noel and myself. I don't feel I have spent enough time with any of them lately.
So getting the shopping out of the way tonight so that's one less time waster on Saturday. We all go and do this but it's not really "family time". When we get back home I am going to do a whirlwind clean (well as much as I can) just to be able to have more quality time Saturday and Sunday.
We have already had invites for Saturday. We have been invited to the horse races at Cranbourne plus it's the Frankston Festival of the Lights (the council turn on the lights of the Christmas tear and normally have fireworks) but to be honest would much prefer just to cwch up on the coach and watch movies with my babies. (Sorry Sharon if you read this...)
Sunday - no firm plans either at this stage. Might spend the day getting the christmas decorations organised, work out where we are going to put our Christmas tree (in our smaller house) and just dag around together. Could even be a daggy jarmie day!! LOL!!
Cross fingers none of the above changes....... selfish aren't I?
Jo xx
PS: "CWCH" is welsh for cuddle/hug - it's the best word in the world! My kids are Aussies but they ask for a cwch!
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Apparently I am normal .....
Not a great deal more to report. Have spoken with Mam a few times this last week and she is starting to get excited about coming down for Christmas. I know I am…. I just can’t wait to see her. As I mentioned a while ago I really need a Mam hug!!
Christmas is fast approaching and I need to pull my finger out and get organised. Not sure how many we are having around the table this year but I know the starting figure will be 11! If a miracle happens it could even be 20 but that miracle would have to happen soon.
Needless to say the situation with my sister isn’t getting any better. I haven’t spoken to her since the 7th November and even then I rang her. I love the way she just chats away as if it was yesterday the last time we spoke. Chatting about this and that as if I know what she is talking about. Half the time I don’t have a clue! When we are talking she does ask how we all are and I just tell her everything is good even if it’s not. Maybe I should tell her what’s really going on but I don’t think it would really bother her or if she would truly care. Bottom line is - I am just not a part of her world and it’s me that has to accept that.
Oh well enough whinging about things I have no control over… I really need to get on and enjoy MY life. Right?
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Only 34 days until Christmas
Noel has been doing overtime all this week including this morning. (The kids have gone to Mam and Dad's for a sleepover last night because we are both working.) I have had a couple of training sessions also. Monday I was at Clarinda giving some training to another company employee and then Tuesday I was in a training session being trained. But to be honest the rest of the week just disappeared.
Speaking of Christmas - I am really looking forward to it this year but I do every year! Christmas would have to be my favourite time. I love celebrating the Festive Season, decorating the house, planning and preparing the food and there is always my wish of having the whole family together (both sides) for such a special day although I don't think it is going to happen this year. It is ACE however my Mam is flying down from Brisbane and Clare (Noel's sister) is flying down from Sydney to be here for the festivities. We are having Christmas lunch at our house again this year but I wouldn't want it any other way!
I am excited today though as my friend, Kerry, is coming down from Sydney to stay with us. We all love Kerry visiting, especially the kids who adore her (we all do). This will be just a nice quiet visit, no big girly-get togethers up the city, just time with our family.
And on the topic of friends, I have made contact with Carolyn Whamond, another school friend that I haven't seen for at least 15 years (not quite sure - could be longer). Just to prove that it is a small world and that Google is a powerful search engine... I googled her name and got a hit. I contacted the secretary of the Theatre company and he was kind enough to provide an address so I wrote her a letter (snail mail of course) and couldn't believe it when she sent me an email reply. She is living in Tasmania so I can only hope that we will meet up again one day soon.
The weather has turned bad here, not as bad as in Southern Queensland. My thoughts go out to all the families affected with the storms that they are experiencing. It rained here all of last night and so far most of this morning. However we really cannot/should not complain as we, Australia, really need the rain but I don't understand why it can't rain during the week? hehehe
Monday, November 17, 2008
It's Monday again ... gee that week flew by!
Of course we worked as usual, with Noel doing overtime Monday through to Thursday and also a full day on Saturday. It's good that he is getting the overtime so close to Christmas - like everyone we can definately use the money.
Wednesday night we went to the Frankston RSL with Mam, Dad, Paul and Angela for dinner. Nice meal as usual and it was great to see Paul and Angela again. They were leaving Mam and Dad's on Thursday to spend a few nights in the city before flying out Saturday morning for Cairns. I spoke to Paul Saturday morning and they had really enjoyed their time in Melbourne. I am really glad that I met them!
Saturday we had a really nice night - just the four of us! We had dinner while watching the movie Get Smart! It was a funny film but I must say listening to the kids laugh and their little comments and chattering about what just happened is ace. It makes me feel priviledged to be a mam!
Now Sunday was huge.. spent the whole day unpacking boxes, rearranging rooms and putting things in new homes etc. I am really impressed with our efforts. We now have a comfortable dining room, less the boxes and a lot of crap. The bookshelves are full, the family photo's are up, the glasses are all the glass cabinet and best of all the computer is no longer on the dining table! But there is still so much to do!!
Monday, November 10, 2008
Another get together.....
It was wonderful to finally meet Paul, as I have emailed with him and chatted on Facebook! It was funny when we walked in Paul said "and I know this one - I've seen her before!" Mam, Dad and Sean were really surprised... and then Paul said " we've chatted on email and on facebook!!" I thought it was really funny!
Noel enjoyed himself as I watched him chat with all his family and ask Paul lots of question regarding England, the place once called home! I like watching from the sidelines especially when it is such an important event - Noel hadn't seen Paul for 25 years!!
Back row: Christian, Dad, Sean, Mam, Noel
Front row: Oliver, Vicky, Paul, Angela, Me
Saturday, November 08, 2008
Dinner with Alison
I had butterflies in my tummy and my hands were shaking from nerves but 20 years on from the last time we saw each other it was fantastic to catch up again. I couldn’t believe that Alison was actually in my house talking to me!
Do you think we have changed much???
Unfortunately the kids missed out on meeting her. They really wanted to but were having a sleepover at Nana and Grandad's as Noel and I are both working today!
It was a blast! I hope Alison enjoyed herself as much as Noel and I did. Hopefully we will see each other again soon and not wait another 20 years (I have to return her dessert dish anyways! LOL!!)
Friday, November 07, 2008
A short week that has gone too fast.
With having the extra long weekend for the Melbourne Cup going back to work on the Wednesday was very hard. I enjoyed the extra few days at home but honestly find it hard to get back into the work routine especially with having only the 3 and a half days to get through.
We have had Tom sleeping over for the last two nights as Sharon has gone interstate for work. Back up to Sydney to see how her shops are coming along... not too good by the sounds of having to stay an extra day!
I went to the Doctors on Wednesday afternoon. BP up a little (140/90) but my doctor is okay with that… another week on the same tablets and another appointment next Wednesday.
Had a surprise phone call from the Healesville Police to say that my purse had been found. Mind you I lost it 4 weeks ago and I believe that it has been in a creek since then as it was all water logged and the contents damaged. I went through all of the contents with the policeman, he sent me a few things that were salvaged, but the purse itself has found a new home - in the bin!
However we have made it to Friday and what a day it's going to be! Noel is working tomorrow (another shock for us - he hasn't done a Saturday since around March!) so the kids are off to Nana and Grandad's for a sleepover. Noel will pick them up on the way home Saturday afternoon.
But I am sitting here with mixed feelings.
Feelings of excitement, nervousness and even a little scared. Why? I have a friend coming over for dinner tonight. A friend that I haven't seen for 20 years!! The last time we saw each other was in Year 12 of Mentone Girls Secondary College.
Dinner is planned, in fact I made the main dish last night. We are having STGTBT Lasagne with a nice fresh salad. I just need to go home, grab a few things from the shop, make the salad, clean the house to make it a little more respectable and hopefully sit down for 5 minutes to chill out - what a night this is going to be?!?!?!
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
The Long Weekend is over..
Yesterday was a great day… I still had my little sad cloud surrounding me as my thoughts drifted at times towards my dad but Deb and Julien put on quite a spread (they catered for the 5000 – somebody else I know does that!) and the dynamics of the people invited made for a different afternoon. A few families from the football club, a few of their other friends, us and Sharon, “Lovergirl Extraordinaire!.” It all turned out a really good afternoon even without winning anything on the nags.
Speaking of Sharon, she was walking on air yesterday. Her second date with dream boy was successful on many levels except for food consumption!! “Live on love” is the old saying, right? Yep you guessed it – that lasagne didn’t get a look in but she did admit that I made it! On the up side she now has lunch for this week!!
Monday, November 03, 2008
It's Monday and we are not at work!
We haven't really done anything exciting!! The kids have been shacked up playing their DS games or watching DVD's whilst Noel and I threw out things for hard rubbish collection all day yesterday! Looking at our naturestrip must admit we are both quite proud of our efforts and I have come to the realisation the I definately am the instigating Hoarder but Noel's not too bad either!
Yesterday was kind of hard especially throwing up things that link me with my dad. Dad died 15 years ago yesterday... I didn't say anything to Noel, but Oliver asked what was wrong when we had a few precious moments together. I rang Mam - just because I wanted to... she knew exactly why! Noel finally found out and asked my why I didn't remind him. I don't think I have too!
Today will be another day of box sorting but the house is looking much better. Tom is stopping over tonight as Sharon (who I must say is in LOVE!) is having date #2 with her Dream Man! In between my boxes I have offered to make a lasagne for Sharon's dinner tonight as she has been called into work today and won't have time to cook anything! Take-away is not an option when you are just starting out in a relationship... it's up to her if she fesses up to who actually made it! hahaha!!
Tomorrow is Melbourne Cup - the race that stops the Nation... We are off to the Coopers for a BBQ lunch - should be fun!
Better fly as I must stop procrastinating, get off my bum and continue sorting....
Thursday, October 30, 2008
BP and doctors..... we are getting there
Still buzzing from the fact that Alison and I are finally going to get together. Should be very interesting as we haven't seen each other since high school. Alison has agreed to come over for dinner next Friday night (7th Nov). I am a little nervous but very excited.
Another interesting thing happened to me yesterday. I received a message from Paula on Friend's Reuinted website. I was literally blown away! Of course I immediately sent a message back. I haven't seen Paula for so long now, in fact I just didn't think our paths would cross ever again. We had such a wonderful friendship and did so many things together. It was a shame that we went our own ways... such is life? In her last message (which I received this morning) she has suggested that we catch up, get together for a coffee or lunch.... OMG!! How ace is this??
Looking forward to a long weekend - it's Cup Day here in Melbourne on the Tuesday so I have put in for Annual Leave on Monday.... maybe a sleep in??? You never know??
Monday, October 27, 2008
I blinked and the weekend disappeared!!
Saturday was work in the morning for me whilst Noel and the kids got ready for Saturday night. Deb, Julien, Sharon and the kids all came over and we had a “Rib Night”. Sounds interesting hey? We had some prawns, wonton cups filled with hoisin lamb, sticky chicken and an antipasto platter for entrée followed by lamb and pork marinated ribs, baked potatoes and salads. It was a good night and the company was very enjoyable.
Sunday we all had a lay in!! OMG yes I don’t think we moved from beds until 10am!! But then it was up, out and about for Sean’s birthday lunch. It was a very warm day yesterday with minimal breeze but nice to sit outside for a bbq celebration. It was a really nice afternoon, relaxing and chatting with all the family. Sean and Vicky did really well with all the food not to mention the desserts and YES I did have a small piece of cake!
A quiet relaxing evening at home finished off the weekend.
But it’s a new week now, and it’s all started again. I have just realised that I am meant to be submitting my Cert IV Trainer/Assessor Upgrade today and I have no hope of that as I haven’t finished it… not like me at all but with all that has been happening with my blood pressure, work, etc it has been something that I have definitely put on the back burner but guess what I am doing today at work??
Friday, October 24, 2008
Feeling much better today...
As far as my new BP medication is going – all seems good. Touch wood of course! I am not feeling as nauseous or dizzy like I did with last weeks lot. Noel actually told me I looked heaps better last night. I know he has been really worried about me and I love him for being my rock!
Finally our other Clare (Noel’s sister) has made contact too. See hasn’t been in contact with anyone for a few weeks and of course, naturally we have all started to worry if she was okay. All seems okay! Unfortunately she has been sick again with a viral infection but seems to be getting better.
Oliver is still proudly displaying his tooth and the deep blood red hole in his mouth – such a boy thing to do!!
Noel and I spoke to the kids about doing a Christmas Shoebox last night (well it was the first that Noel had heard about it too!) and they have really taken to the idea. We are going to start preparing that this weekend. The Christmas Shoebox is a fantastic idea, such a wonderful act of giving to children in Africa who don’t receive presents for Christmas. It’s very simple too. You take a shoebox and fill it will certain items from a list of something! The something’s are something to love, something for school, something to wear, something to play with, something for personal hygiene and something special. You chose whether you box is for a boy or a girl and for what age group. If you want more information here is the website www.samaritanspurse.org.au/occ_08_shoe_boxes.shtml.
Happy Birthday Sean!!
Although it’s Sean’s birthday today we won’t catch up with them until Sunday at their place. We are having lunch with him, Vicky and the family on Sunday to celebrate. It will be good to get together as we haven’t caught up since the school holidays.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Update on 101 in 1001!
Have added a link to a new blog on my sidebar if you would like to see how I am progressing.
However due to procrastination I am officially starting my 1001 days tomorrow!!!
OMG my sister rang me!
Well last nights visit to the doctors was terrible. Not only has my BP got higher again (170/95 up from 155/95) I burst into tears and blubbered like a little girl in front of the doctor. He reassured me that everything is going to be alright but I really hate not being in control! So I am trying another tablet, Olmetec Plus (40/25), so cross fingers on this one working. Mind you after readying the information leaflet on the drug, I was secretly happy to find that is contains a diuretic (geez my mind is warped!)
Other than my drama's, Oliver is doing well with his hole from his tooth removal! Still walking around showing everyone his tooth and his mouth. In fact the tooth fairy hasn't been allowed to come to our house yet as he still has more people to show. I have been told Sunday would be a good night for her visit - LOL!!
Alex received a "Neat Handwritting" Award yesterday. She was really proud of herself. Her writing really is quite neat. Plus she just keep wanting to spell words out loud all the time and keeps asking "is this how you spell this?" This morning the word was "encyclopedia"!! Not bad for a 7 year old hey?
Better fly - lots to do.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Wow - where did today go?
Then it was off to Vic Roads to get a new licence photo, pick up Alex from school, a little bit of shopping and then off to cook dinner which was planned. We had sheperds pie as requested by one and agreed upon by all.
But 3 mouthfuls into my dinner, my mobile rang. It was the football club wondering if I was attending tonight's meeting.... I was, indeed I had planned to eat dinner and be up the clubrooms by 7.30pm - only to find that the meeting was due to start at 7!! But really happy that it was over by 9.30pm. I know I should have rang Sharon when I got in, but sorry just wanted to finish my dinner, have a glass of wine and quickly type this!! Selfish I know...
Nearly time to close my eyes (the rest of the house is asleep) and get ready for another jam packed day in the life of the Murrays.... here is a clue of what I have in store for myself tomorrow. I have to study and finish my Cert IV assessment, go to work, doctors at 5pm, and then be wife, mother, cook and cleaner.... oh no wonder I dream about the Bahamas!!!
Monday, October 20, 2008
A focus on the future!
101 in 1001!
Start: 19/10/2008
Finish: 17/07/2011
1. Lose 5kgs
2. Lose 10kgs
3. Lose 15kgs
4. Lose 20kgs
5. Lose 25kgs
6. Lose 30kgs
7. Lose 35kgs
8. Lose 36.7kgs and make it to goal!
9. Go camping once a year (0/3)
10. Have a New Years Eve Party at our house.
11. Get rid of clothes that I no longer wear or haven't worn.
12. Learn to speak Welsh.
13. Have a family holiday other than camping.
14. Host a "How to Host A Murder" dinner party
15. Complete a marathon
16. Have a pap smear
17. Visit Mam is Queensland
18. Organise a family get together - both sides.... OMG!!
19. Have a party for Noel's 40th in April 2009
20. Get a tattoo.
21. Buy a house
22. Reduce my Blood Pressure to a normal rate
23. Meet up with Ali (from school)
24. Meet up with Jo (from school)
25. Go to a concert
26. Have a poker night
27. Read an auto-biography or a biography
28. Create a website
29. Learn how to play chess
30. Stop taking BP Medicine because I am healthy
31. Hold a full chinese dinner party (cooked from scratch)
32. Go to an AFL match
33. Repair dining table
34. Have a garage sale
35. Catch a crayfish
36. Spend a weekend at a health spa
37. Go on the Spirit of Tasmania with the family
38. Play a Bob Dylan song on the guitar
39. Go out for dinner with my mam
40. Grow an orchid
41. Learn how to ball room dance
42. Read the Bible
43. Hold a spider
44. Host an Indian Dinner party (cooked from scratch)
45. Have a family holiday on a houseboat
46. Send mam a card every month (0/34)
47. Be able to do 50 sit ups
48. Be able to do 100 sit ups.
49. Have a body massage
50. Eat Abalone
51. Spend the night with the kids at Werribbee Zoo
52. Ride in a Hot Air Balloon
53. Hold a fancy dress party
54. Write a cookbook
55. Hold a snake
56. Ride on a Harley Davidson
57. Try a different recipe every week (0/143)
58. Go horse riding
59. Go somewhere for dinner where we need to dress up
60. Buy some sexy lingerie
61. De-clutter my house (get rid of 1001 items not including general rubbish) (0/1001)
62. Complete a short course of my choice (not works)
63. Sort out photographs
64. Organise all DVD's and CD's
65. Go out for dinner with my sister
66. Listen to Alex read 3 nights per week (0/429)
67. Listen to Oliver read 3 nights per week (0/429)
68. Visit 10 waterfalls (0/10)
69. Ride on a camel
70. Make a pavalova from scratch
71. Go berry picking
72. Play mini golf witht he kids (0/6)
73. Volunteer my time to charity
74. Catch up with Annette when she is in Melbourne
75. Go for a family bike ride every 2 months (0/17)
76. Make my bed everyday
77. Attend Carols by Candlelight
78. Take Ann (Mother in law) out for lunch or dinner
79. Remove the computer from the dining table
80. Sit and watch the sunset
81. Go on a proper picnic
82. Hold a black tie dinner party
83. Sit at the dining table as a family 4 times per week (0/572)
84. Sort out kitchen cupboards
85. Be completely debt free
86. Walk 30 mins per day 3 time per week (0/429)
87. Finish unpacking house from the move
88. Put junk out for hard rubbish collection
89. Spend at least 1 hr per week quality time with Oliver (0/143)
90. Spend at least 1 hr per week quality time with Alex (0/143)
91. Have incredible sex with my husband.
92. Ring my mam once a week (0/143)
93. Ride on an elephant
94. Go body surfing
95. Catch up with Kelee and Roger
96. Visit Clare and Kerry in Sydney
97. Have a lunch or dinner with Vicky
98. Wake up and feel happy with myself
99. Have a pedicure or a pamper session with the girls in the family.
100. Put a $2 coin in a money box for every day of this challenge and do something good with it at the end (thanks Chris for this one)
101. Write a new list.
So there you have it.... I started yesterday!
Off to a jewellery party at Deb's tonight with Sharon, then it's off to a committee meeting Tuesday night - kind of makes up for the quiet weekend, hey?
PS Still feel like crap!!
Sunday, October 19, 2008
OMG I have enjoyed today so far!
This morning we had Tom's birthday party. It was at an entertainment arcade, Dark Zone, where the kids played a few games of lazer tag (similar to paint ball but not as violent) and then they played on the arcade games. It was a great party and we all enjoyed ourselves. Yes Noel and I had fun playing on the air hockey even though I came out the loser and yes I still can't drive even playing simulated car racing! LOL!! But it was good - the best thing was that Noel and I laughed together. We had fun together - it seems like forever since we put away the seriousness of life and had uncontrolled fun!
We went shopping after the party - just to get school lunch stuff - bread etc... I needed to get my nails refilled (yes I am a fake nail girl!) so Alex and I went there and the boys came home with the shopping. Alex loves the whole girly thing of being in the nail shop and the fact that they make a fuss over her and paint her nails with what ever colour she chooses. Today was hot pink - I am sure the school will say something tomorrow. Alex and I walked home from the nail shop which was good as we talk about all the flowers in peoples gardens and basically about anything really. It was a good mother/daughter part of the day.
Tonight we are having a BBQ for tea - T-Bone Steaks with baked potatoes, cauliflower cheese and vegetables! Oliver requested the steaks, Noel always loves baked potatoes with his steak, Alex requested the cauliflower cheese and I need vegetables. I have done really well this weekend with my food intake and currently have some soup cooking as I am typing... yum!
My doctor's appointment was disappointing yesterday with my BP going higher even with mega strong tablets! My BP was 155/98 yesterday and I don't know why? Maybe stressing about my BP? The doctor says that I shouldn't stress about going to see him or about anything else! Like as if??????
Anyways better go and finish all what's on the go...
Saturday, October 18, 2008
A quiet Saturday?
I actually can't wait until I get home. I have really been missing spending time with the kids. So I really want to focus on them for the rest of the weekend. That is inbetween shopping and cleaning etc! hahaha
Still nothing planned bedsides Tom's birthday party in the morning... woohoo!!!
Friday, October 17, 2008
TGIF and a quiet weekend is ahead.... maybe?
Saying that the weather is meant to be glorious but we should put the effort into sorting out some more of our boxes and possibly even do a run to the tip.
But in our life anything can happen and normally does… so I have learned not to set anything in concrete! Hehehe
Thursday, October 16, 2008
I really don't like the doctor's.
Yesterday’s doctors’ appointment saw the same BP result for the last 3 weeks. 130/90 - which didn’t make my doctor that happy at all. But not bragging it is a hell of a sight better than the 168/110 I scored 11 weeks ago!! Needless to say 10 weeks of stronger medication (and not much effort from me to be honest) and my BP is still not “normal”. I left the appointment armed with extra strength tablets and an appointment for Saturday 12pm!
Finally decided I have sooked enough about the result of my doctor’s appointment yesterday. Time to move on in a positive way. Need to overhaul lifestyle and make some serious changes to help reduce my blood pressure and also to become a healthier person – not only for me but for my family!!
Speaking of the family, Noel’s work has gone haywire again and he is doing extra hours left right and centre. The kids are doing really well and enjoying the daylight savings. They have been riding their bikes up to the park and constantly asking if they can go to the milkbar? They only want to go there to buy lollies and they know I know that!
to Tom who turns 8 today!! My how you are growing up into quite a hansome young man. Oliver and Alex are really looking forward to Tom's party on Sunday morning!!!
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
It's only Tuesday.....
Big week this week!! Tonight Noel and Alex are off to “Girl’s Night Out” at the school. This is the first girls night as this is normally reserved for the dad’s and their sons but finally the school has realised that the girls are missing out. It’s from 6 – 9 pm, finger food provided and a bush band. The theme for the night is bush dancing and I so wish I was a fly on the wall to see how Noel copes with the bush dancing and Alex’s enthusiasm!
It is Tom’s birthday on Thursday and he already so excited. Tom stayed with us on Sunday night when my lovely friend Sharon, had her first date with her ‘dream lover’ – finally!!!!! Tom was telling us all about his party, about handing out his invitations, the way he is reminding everyone that he turns 8 on Thursday, etc…. the excitement in his voice is amazing and wonderful to listen to. He is having his party Sunday morning – I hope he has some excitement left by then.
Will have to catch up with my in-laws over the weekend as we haven’t seen them since the school holidays finished. We actually thought that they might want a break from having the kids over the school holidays – LOL!!! But I got the reassuring phone call last night that not only did they have a wonderful time with their grandchildren but that they miss them and wanted to see them soon. Might see if they want to come over for lunch/dinner on Sunday.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Another weekend has gone....
Angry because I cannot believe how fast 2008 is going. Angry because I am not organised and will have to pull my finger out to get myself up to speed.
But I am excited because I love Christmas - I love the whole idea of Christmas, fantasy, Santa Claus, being surrounded by family and friends, good company, good food, and good times. I adore the whole thought of Christmas - even better as my Mam and Clare will be coming down!
My secret wish this year would be that my sister Claire and I sort out what's been happening and her and her family join us this Christmas.............. who knows?
Friday, October 10, 2008
Enjoying being back in routine!
Cannot actually believe that it's Friday already but I must say we are all looking forward to the weekend as it's "OUR" time. Tonight we are off to a bbq with friends so that should be another good night. And bedside the obvious cleaning and shopping we have nothing planned for the rest of the weekend and the weather is looking good with 28 deg forecast for Sunday.
It's all good news on my nephew and I had forgotten to mention that he came home on the 1st October - he is still having blood tests, appointments at both Monash and the Royal Childrens Hospitals, etc but at least he is at home which makes it easier for my sister especially having the other three boys to look after also. We have exchange a few phone calls since my nephew's release from hospital but the communication seems to be starting to become limited once more. I have sent her a few text messages and rang her this morning so I am crossing fingers that things might eventually get better as far as our relationship is concerned. But not holding my breath!
My mam enjoyed her cruise, I am so glad that she took the plunge and treated herself. She went with a friend so it was two women out on the ocean enjoying themselves! Sunday was her birhtday, so we all sang happy birthday over the phone. She loved her present, a nice top/pants outfit, we sent up for her birthday. She wore it out for lunch on her birthday with my aunty and the girls. It is great that she has a really good circle of friends up on the island - I know that she is not on her own even though it's not the same as family. So I am really happy that she is enjoying life at the moment.
So overall the planets seem to be some what alligned enough to bring me happiness at the moment so I am off to enjoy it - that is as soon as I finish work for the day!
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
School Holidays Week 2
Needless to say after a night of worrying and discussing them with Noel both of us are quite angry. We have both rang them (at seperate times as we are at work) and have yelled the riot act at them. This is their last chance especially for Oliver - who at 10 is starting to really display attitude! And not a very nice attitude I must say! I am not really sure what to do with this - it is all new to us.
On a lighter note - we had a good day Sunday. Off four-wheel driving up the Rubicon (near Eildon) all was good except for a slight hiccup. I lost my purse thankfully not full of money but all the hassles of getting new cards and cancelling the others etc. It put me in a very fowl mood for a little while but once I got over it I tried to make the most of the rest of the day.
You never know someone may hand it in... but I doubt it.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
School Holidays and Grand Final Day!
As for us, we have celebrated our 15th Wedding Anniversary on Thursday. We got married on Grand Final Day in 1993! We went out for tea by ourselves Thursday night and then again last night with our kids and Noel’s parents.
On a sadder note my nephew was rushed into hospital on Thursday the 18th with an enlarged heart. Mam rang me to inform me as I haven't spoken to Claire since Mam left in March (don't know why?). So naturally the first thing I did was ring Claire and then went up to the hospital. It was good to see Claire especially to hug her even though the circumstances weren't the best. We have spoken most days and I even popped into the hospital by myself on the Monday after leaving work.
Not much more has been happening. The first week of the school holidays are overs – one more week to go. Luckily the kids spent the week just gone between Noel’s parents house and his brother’s house. They were taking to the Royal Melbourne Show, to a stage play at the local shopping centre, have seen Snake Busters and overall I think they had a ball.
It was so good to see them last night – I cried just seeing them and getting a hug. I missed them so much but due to work commitments at the moment we have to do it all again next week. Oh well – roll on next school holidays as I will definitely be having time off.
Jo xxx
Saturday, September 06, 2008
Yippee the last day of footy for 2008
The club had presentations for the U13's, U14's and U16's last night and today we have the presentation for the remainder of the club as well as the Annual General Meeting. It will be good to see Oliver up there getting his participation trophy.
Clare flew in from Sydney last night - she has come down to surprise Dad for Father's Day except the cat will be out of the bag as they will see each other today at the presentations. Oh well!
Better fly as I have lots to do with getting organised for the AGM - I am going to put my hand up for Treasurer (cross fingers I get voted back in!), then I have to go shopping as well as get ready as we are having an impromptu dinner party tonight so Sharon can catch up with Clare and Clare can also meet the Coopers!!
Should be a good night but a damn busy day!!
Saturday, August 30, 2008
We are still around
All of us are well - sort off. I am struggling with my blood pressure being too high at the moment. Back to the doctors on Wednesday to see if the new stronger tablets are working. I am trying to take better care of myself but it is still very hard putting myself first.
The Christening of Christian went really well last weekend. Everyone enjoyed the day and we all looked excellent dressed in our finery.
Saturday, July 12, 2008
We officially have a new address!
The kids think it has been such an adventure - a new bedroom, a new house, a new garden to explore and are already asking if they can change schools as we have actually moved quite close to another primary school. Not sure on that idea but will make the effort to investigate the closer school! Who knows - maybe the kids could do with a change also!
I am actually looking forward to finishing the move. Although this next stage of unpacking, sorting and organising will take awhile I cannot wait to have a "welcome to our new house" get together with our friends. The new house has a fantastic outdoor area and I know we will get many hours of enjoyment out of it.
A bit shout out to our friends, Julien, Deb, Lenny and Dave who help us move... great effort guys! Noel and I know we have hoarded to much $hit over the years and really appreciated your help over the last few days.... we really owe it to you all!!!
Must fly - still lots to do.......aaaarrrrggghhhh!!!
Monday, May 12, 2008
Time flies when you are having fun????
Since Christmas, yes you read correctly, since Christmas so much has happened. In fact I am in awe that it is May know and I am actually attempting to update this blog. It seems like only yesterday it was Christmas but the fact that I am feeling older and exhausted only confirms that there have been many days since my last entry.
In a nutshell lots of things have happened.
Firstly we survived Christmas and New Year, which is always a good thing. My Mam stayed in Queensland this year as my sister and her brood went to visit her. I am glad they made the effort but saddened that I was so far away from my mam. Saying that our house was full with all of Noel’s family and also had the pleasure of Sharon and Tom’s company. The whole festive season went off without a hitch last year. It is a wonderful time, a time of sharing and giving, a time that I thoroughly enjoy and even though it can be stressful I honestly look forward to it every year.
School holidays were also conquered as was the beginning of a new school year with one child in grade 5 and the other settling in grade 2. Both seem to be enjoying there new year levels and for Oliver he is attempting the challenges set by being in a higher level some with hesitation and some with no willing to attempt but I must say we are “getting there”. Alex, who has the same teacher again this year, just felt as if nothing had changed and got on with the task at hand!
Birthdays have been had by all of us. Mine was celebrated at the Balnarring Races and were both the kids this year. Alex had a party at home and Oliver had a couple of friends over. My heart went out for Oliver as his birthday fell right in the middle of school holiday’s and brought memories back to me about how I felt that my birthday party was never full of my friends only relatives and some family friends who were mostly my parent’s friends as I was born in early January. Our house was full for Noel’s birthday followed by a lunch at our favourite Chinese Restaurant with the family.
Alex broke a bone in her foot, tripping over at a shopping centre in the carpark. She spent 6 weeks in plaster. This has since been removed and the poor little chickadee is returning to normality as far as walking, running, etc., is concerned. That was definitely an interesting 6 weeks and the recovery process has been a concern at times especially when you have a 7 year old milking the situation. She was hobbling and saying that she couldn’t walk, really playing on it one day. She went into her bedroom, put on her music and started dancing!! Yes, dancing. When realising that she was caught out she immediately returned to hobbling as if Noel hadn’t seen a thing. The good news is that we had a second x-ray done and the doctor was quite happy with her progress.
Mam came down for a visit over Easter – we were meant to go camping but with Alex breaking her foot it somewhat changed the plans of the whole family. Whilst here she stayed with us a lot this time and was a blessing helping look after the kids whilst Noel and I both worked. Sadly one day while she was babysitting, she has a very mini heart attack, which scared the life out of me, lead to Mam spending a night in hospital for observation and for one moment the situation actually brought me and my sister a little closer. The feeling unfortunately hasn’t lasted with my sister’s car being written off by a falling tree in the hospital car park, Mam returning back to Queensland and my life returning to some form of normality. (If you read this Mam – I just want to let you know that I love you and I am thinking about you every day. MWAH!!!)
Sunday football has also commenced although my role as treasurer for the Junior Football Club started way before the season kick off. I am enjoying it but must say it is rather time consuming. I am sure that next year will be a lot easier as I will know what I have learnt so far and what I wasn’t told about or prepared for! Noel is also the Under 10’s team manager, which is giving him some focus and I am sure Oliver is really proud of him – I know that I am. Oliver is playing okay and I know in my heart that when he is ready he will shine.
Auskick is up and running under the firm hand of the new co-ordintor, Sharon. I have been helping her as we are trying to affliate the Auskick with the Junior Club but more importantly because she is my closest friend. She is doing an absolutely fantastic job and has increased the numbers significantly from last year. I am sure the whole club with join me in saying “well done” for her efforts to date. Plus I think that she is totally enjoying the challenge. Needless to say Alex is easing herself back into playing football!
So needless to say the last few months haven’t been boring! Who knows what tomorrow will bring???