As for yesterday, all DID go without a hitch!! It actually makes you sit back and wonder what all the worry was about beforehand.
The kids decided that their excitment couldn't wait until after 6am and that's when they woke us up! Alex was really happy that Santa had been but Oliver wasn't that happy as there was no table tennis table to be seen. He had his heart set on getting on and because it wasn't next to the Christmas tree in the loungeroom he had a dark cloud over his head... that was until he went outside and saw one under the verandah!!
I was spoiled by my family this year. Reduced to tears by their cards and gifts - I received a Galialo Thermometre, a toe ring, a necklace and an amazing quilt cover!! Wow - OMG I was very surprise at the thought that had gone into the present process this year.
Everyone sat down and the food fest began... I printed off a menu, tied it with red and silver ribbon for everyone to read whilst waiting for the entrees to be served with a thank you message at the bottom... it really was quite cheezy but something I wanted to do. Everyone liked them anyway. So overall, lunch was well received and Noel, Mam and I were happy with our efforts.
More presents after the feast - all children were definately spoiled from all sides. I couldn't believe some of the gifts that they received. And to top it off, Noel and I received Nigella Lawson's Christmas cookbook off Sharon as a thank you for Christmas Day and for all of the year... I am definately in my element when reading a cookbook! Thanks Sharon - this last year has definately been a pleasure having both you and Tom in our lives.
Sean and Vicky had to go off to Vicky's family for dinner. Personally, I couldn't eat another meal especially after the lunch we had so I did not envy the mere thought of it at all. Sharon, after a little snooze on the couch, went home with Tom and I hope that they both truly had a great time.
Not long after the Abba Sing Star (Alex's present) was opened and that was the start of the party. Alex, Mam, Clare, Mam and even Dad got into the act and belted out a few ABBA songs before Mam and Dad left as they are taking the caravan down to Port Fairy for Sean and Vicky's holiday. The rest of us then sang our hearts out and also played Guitar Hero (Oliver's present) until the wee wee wee hours of the morning. A few people surrounding me are not feeling the best but I suppose it just goes to show that a good time was had by one and all......
As usual too much food but lots of yummy leftovers. Today is quite quiet in comparision to yesterday for which most of us are glad. Noel and Alex have taken Clare up to one of her friends' houses, Mam is watching a Barbara Streisand DVD that she got for Christmas, Oliver is trying to work out who Barbara Streisand is, and I have to admit, I am now sipping on a Champagne Cocktail... well it is the Festive Season after all!!!
My husband has just returned from dropping Clare off and he is armed with two crayfish... so it looks like it's seafood for lunch!! OMG life is just soooooo hard!!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you all............
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