Saturday, September 06, 2008

Yippee the last day of footy for 2008

Woohoo today is the last day as far as the 2008 Football season is concerned. I am excited knowing that as of next week I will have my Sunday's back but saddened as it is such a big part of our winter!

The club had presentations for the U13's, U14's and U16's last night and today we have the presentation for the remainder of the club as well as the Annual General Meeting. It will be good to see Oliver up there getting his participation trophy.

Clare flew in from Sydney last night - she has come down to surprise Dad for Father's Day except the cat will be out of the bag as they will see each other today at the presentations. Oh well!

Better fly as I have lots to do with getting organised for the AGM - I am going to put my hand up for Treasurer (cross fingers I get voted back in!), then I have to go shopping as well as get ready as we are having an impromptu dinner party tonight so Sharon can catch up with Clare and Clare can also meet the Coopers!!

Should be a good night but a damn busy day!!

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