Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Merry Christmas to one and all....
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
Somebody please press the pause button!
We have survived the long weekend and another spring racing carnival with the Melbourne Cup being run yesterday. Wow the weather was perfect and Alex managed to back the winning horse. We spent the afternoon at a friend's house indulging in spit roasted lamb, salads and good company making it very hard to return to the normality of working and school this morning.
Chat soon I promise!
Monday, October 22, 2007
Always busy.....
Noel and I both worked on Saturday so the kids went and stayed at Nana and Grandad’s house on Friday night with me meeting them at Tom’s birthday party on Saturday. Oliver went to the party but it was definately an all boys affair so Alex and I went shopping to keep her occupied.. mind you after the party was over I still had to do the grocery shopping must to the dismay of the children!!
Saturday night was just us – having a bbq which the kids help prepare. It was good to spend some quiet time with them plus I know that they both love cooking and helping out in the kitchen.
Sunday – a little sleep-in was had – but it was up and getting ready for a busy day. We were off to the Langwarrin Communtiy Festival with Nana and Grandad. Just as we were parking our car Noel recieved a phone call from Sean to say he was on his way – geez it made for a wonderful afternoon. Cruden Farm is a beautiful place and it was fantastic to spend the afternoon with our family. Christian is just a gorgeous baby, Oliver and Alex absolutely adore him and I enjoyed my cuddle and having the chance to feed him. The Festival was very busy and the weather was perfect. Will definately be going again next year.
Friday, October 19, 2007
I love travelling but I also love home!!
It was great to see Noel and the kids again although Oliver found the Nintendo DS more interesting than the fact that I was home, Alex found my presents for them within 2 minutes of my arrival, I did however manage a kiss off my husband and a conversation about my trip.
Finally good to relax at home, we had our first bbq for “summer” (I know that it hasn’t officially started) the evening was nice and we sat on the back verandah to eat our meal. The four of us ending the evening with a spa topped off my day.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
We are back online!!!
So in our absence – quite a lot has happened… too much to type as this post would be huge.
But in a nutshell….
· Grandma had her 60th birthday – big shout out to her!! Well done. It was a shame that I couldn’t get up there but with faced with the chance of Noel’s losing his job and the cost etc it was a really hard decision to make but Mam was alright with it. Well at least she keeps saying so. I still feeling like a really bad daughter though.
· We survived school holidays with the kids spending most of the two weeks with their Nana and Grandad – who, as always, spoil them rotten.
· I have been out and about training in the country quarries even to Mildura last week and I am off to Hobart this week (only for two days/one night).
· Noel’s overtime has started again due to the fact that the company retrenched 31 people the week before. Now Noel is doing 11 hr days – go figure ?!?!?
· Baby Christian is doing really well – as are Sean and Vicky. They seem to be getting the hang of the “baby” thing now.
· I became “Treasurer” of the Karingal Bulls Junior Football Club
· Sharon became “Co-ordinator” of the Karingal Auskick
· The kids had their school chocolate fundraiser last term and sold $ 480 worth of chocolates (much to the help of the truck drivers at my work!!) but an amazing effort for my two angels!!
· Currently I am in the middle of completing an upgrade to my Certificate IV in Trainer and Assessor… intense classroom work in the Melbourne (bang smack in the middle of the city), which I will finish in January 2008 and I even have to complete and assessment task.
So just let’s say that life has been good, still full of surprises and we are enjoying ourselves as best we can…
Monday, August 20, 2007
A busy yet productive weekend.
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Baby Christian.
We all went to visit the happy family last night. I always find it wonderful to hold someone so new to this world. I find myself wishing that that find peace, happiness and safety as they grown through life’s journey – a journey that none of us know where it will lead or when it will end.
Alex and Oliver were totally mesmorized by Christian and both were very upset to leave the hospital. Noel and I will think about taking them back on Sunday for another visit if that’s alright with the new parents.
Seeing Vicky, hours after childbirth, and holding baby Christian made me stand back and appreciate life. Life is too short to spend all of our time focussed on arguing. I am hoping that Christian’s arrival will bring the family back together and I know that is something that Sean wants also. Vicky told us that she really appreciated us visiting her. I honestly hope she did. I am crossing fingers that this is a new era for the Murray family!!
Monday, August 06, 2007
Tell me why Monday comes around so fast????
Anyway the fact that we had a busy Sunday once again didn’t help with football being the focus. The Karingal Bulls U9 Whites played at Edithvale-Aspendale grounds and we WON!! Oliver tried quite hard and is really starting to show interest and confidence on the field. He put his hand up to help play for the Under 10’s – for the second week in a row now. Playing well and quite excited he surprised us all by kicking a goal in the 4th quarter! Woohoo and the best part of it was that his coach from the U9’s was there to watch!!!
As for me well I had a busy week. I spent Wednesday through to Friday at Carisbrook (which is 10kms east of Maryborough). It was nice driving through the lush green countryside, seeing all the animals and the open wide landscape. But it was bloody cold when I got out of the car. Great to catch up with all on site especially Andrew and Tracy who were based here in Melbourne but Andrew took a job transfer. Hopefully I didn’t spread too many bad habits when it came to training and that they will invite me back again.
Better go lots to do and see…. No only joking as I am at work and have lots of paperwork to catch up on.
Jo xx
Monday, July 30, 2007
What a weekend......
Saturday was a massive day with me working in the morning, followed by a little bit of shopping and cooking THEN it was the school’s trivia night. WOW that was fun. Only 7 of us on the table this year – Noel and myself, Sharon, Mat and Anne Marie along with first timers Naomi and Gab (friends from our crèche days). We came 2nd which we have never even been close to before! Noel and I won the silent auction for the “Robert Harvey” signed football and team poster. We also managed to score a night out at a hotel in South Yarra (la-de-da) – now we have sorted out what to do for our wedding anniversary! Sharon on the other hand went bazzerk with her bets and took home a trailer load of stuff – thankfully Mat and Anne Marie brought their ute! A very, very late night but it was quite enjoyable.
Sunday almost killed me! Yes ME! The alarm went off at 7am as Oliver had an away match for football meaning he had to be at the ground at 8.20am. Noel was in no state to drive so instead of doing Auskick with Alex (which is local) I took Oliver to his football match in Mt Eliza only to find that when we got there the fixture was wrong and he was actually playing at Overport Road Grounds… aaarrrgghhh! But I am so pleased I went as Oliver (or Ollie as he wants to be known now thanks to the footy club) kicked the 1st goal of the match – what a STAR! He then went on to play in the Under 10’s game as they were short 4 players and set up 2 goals for them. I will tell you I was such a proud mam yesterday. Once football was over with – it was off to a birthday party for Oliver which was good fun. Alex had gone off to Sharon’s for the day so we picked her up and finally walked in the door to relax at 4.30pm. Needless to say the rest was short lived as we were back up the football club for 6pm!
Bed was sooooooo good when I got in it…..and you can probably guess it didn’t take long to go to sleep!!
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Well the demons have finally been let loose to go and play with somebody else’s mind for now - hopefully it will be a long time before they return! Sanity will prevail most times. It just takes varying lengths of time depending on the person and the situation. Now that my world seems to be back to normal (well as normal as it can be) I can now return my focus onto me and of course, my family.
Mam has gone back to Brisbane and is probably enjoying the peace and quiet. I felt really sorry for her while she was here as still had to deal with me and my emotions. Some things needed to be spoken about and others were just hard to deal with BUT we all got through it in the end. So a big shot out to my mam especially for looking after the kids for the school holidays and for putting up with me!!
So what else has happened since my last blog….
*My sister celebrated her 30th birthday.
*Oliver’s football is getting better – Grandma even got to watch a game.
*Alex and Oliver both played in a grid match at half time of our seniors game at Frankston YCW. Grandma was there to cheer them all on and was amazed at the atmosphere that surrounds a VFL match especially when the seniors were on the field.
Coming up this weekend is….. (as usual another busy one)
*Trivia night on Saturday night (last year was huge and lots of fun)
*Oliver is playing an away game on Sunday morning down at Mt Eliza
*Alex has auskick Sunday morning also.
*Oliver has a birthday party on Sunday afternoon
*Football club Sunday evening
So that should keep the House of Murray busy this weekend......
Friday, July 13, 2007
Grandma is the best!!
It has rain quite a bit this last week. I love waking up in the early hours of the morning and seeing raindrops on trees especially in the light of the moon or by the street lamp. I have been starting work early to help the boys out plus the overtime pay is a bonus! Haha The quarry is so muddy but the rains are producing lush green grass surrounding the pit. Everything is starting to look nice and healthy.
My mam is staying with us until Monday morning then she is off to Claire’s. She will go home from Claire’s and as she is at Claire’s next week we probably won’t see her –SO THAT MEANS THIS WEEKEND HAS TO BE SPECIAL!!
Monday, July 09, 2007
Two weeks have gone..... where?
As many are aware it is school holidays down here in Victoria and the kids are having a ball. This school holidays my Mam has come down from Brisbane to help us out with babysitting. Beside the fact that she is freezing I am sure that she is enjoying spending the quality time with Oliver and Alexandria. Normally during Mam’s visits she spends all weekdays with Claire and the weekends at the House of Murray. This time the make up of her time distribution is totally different and I must admit, selfishly, we are all enjoying having her at our house.
Speaking of the house – it was miraculously cleaned over the weekend prior to Mam’s arrival and I have a dining room!! Yes we can see the floor and the table and the bookshelf and the computer desk. It was definitely tiring and painful especially as we threw away a lot of memories I had been “hoarding” as Noel calls it. Whereas I call it “collecting”! Mind you – although it was heart wrenching to throw away letters and cards etc., I felt quite good afterwards and there is quite a substantial amount of clutter gone. With Mam being down I caught up with my sister on Wednesday. Mam, the kids and I went to Claire’s on Wednesday so she could catch up with Mam. It was good to see her and the boys. It makes me realise how much I miss seeing her on a regular basis and now I need to work out how I can make it happen. I don’t know what she thinks or how she feels as I haven’t ever come out and asked her. Maybe I need to do that but I am scared she will tell me something I don’t want to hear. It would break my heart if she told me that she didn’t want me to be a part of her life even though that is the way it is when my Mam is out of town. The only time we really tend to see each other is when Mam is down – other than that it is like I (or my family) don’t exist.
No football this weekend so that made a different kind of Sunday. We spent the day driving around the peninsula – we started at the Dromana Drive In Market, which was such a flop with only 8 stalls due to the bad weather. Then we had a look around Rosebud and the beaches (although we all stayed in the car much to the disgust of Oliver and Alex who wanted to get out and go down to the sand). Last night we had dinner at the Frankston RSL which was kind of disappointing food wise but great to catch up with Sharon again.
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
It's Tuesday already....
Sharon had her housewarming party on Saturday night. It was great fun and also wonderful to put faces to her friend’s names as we had heard so much about them. I believe the party finished up at 2am but we were long gone due to Oliver’s football the Sunday morning.
Mam has had her birthday (Happy Birthday for the 24th June) and loved her I-Pod that Dad gave her. She was very surprised and impressed with the songs that we programmed on for her. They both seemed to be enjoying there holiday so far and loving the electric blanket that we all bought mam for her birthday. The nights have been cold so it was a brilliant present.
Oliver played well with his football even managing to get a free kick and did some wonderful bumping. Daniel the coach was quite happy with the team’s performance. Alex didn’t go to Auskick so we all went to watch Oliver play. I think he liked the fact that we were all there with him.
I have finally done something with my hair. I got it cut short at the back and the left but have left the fringe and right had side a little longer. I quite like it but it is a little modern and taking awhile to get used to. At least it looks heaps and I mean heaps better than the bob with the “flying nun” side curls.
Parent/teacher interviews went really well last night. Alex is doing okay but needs to refrain from stirring up a couple of the boys in her class (apparently she knows which are the best to target!) and has to learn to take responsibility for her actions. Besides the fact that she is a very dominant child she is working really well and teacher is very happy. Oliver’s teacher too is happy and is glad that he has made some clear improvements since last year (big sigh of relief from Noel and myself). Overall he is doing good and needs to focus on organising himself better and overall achieving a larger amount of work completed.
We received an invitation for my sister, Claire’s, 30th birthday present in the mail yesterday. It is the only contact made since the phone conversation and my card. So don’t know what to really think. Mam is due to arrive next Tuesday and I don’t even know what is happening with that.
Enough rambling (definitely caught up with everything – I hope!)
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Families - what the??????
Sean has spoken with Mam and Dad before they left on their trip up north. He has told them that he would really appreciate his parents being there at the birth of his first child. Vicky has realised that the situation we have all been living this last 12 months isn’t going to go away.
I am not sure how things will change but at least something is happening.
A lot of bridge to cross yet but I am sure "the Murray's" as a family unit we will get there!
My side on the otherhand looks absolutely hopeless!!!
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
My sister Claire!
I am sure that she hates me and for some reason I don’t blame her.
We don’t live that far away from each other but it might as well be separate continents for all the times we see each other.
I know that the two of us are both very different people. I would just really love to be able to pop in to her house, have a cuppa and a chat. I would really love her to pop in to my house and do the same. It would be great to go shopping together – I wouldn’t even care if it were just for groceries!
I sent her a card the other day. In fact it went in the post box on Monday 11th June. It was a blank card – inside I wrote that I was thinking of her, that I was proud of her and that I love her. I also said I was sorry that we weren’t close, not sure why we aren’t but would like to be.
Claire hasn’t mentioned it at all!
I know that I haven’t been the best sister but I hate feeling like I don’t have a sister at all!
Monday, June 18, 2007
Sunday's ups and downs.....
Up early once again for Under 9's football and Auskick. Great catching up with Sharon for a chat whilst Tom and Alex run their little legs off at a mock grid match. Then we went over to clubrooms to see how Oliver and the Under 9 White's went with their match - they lost. But Oliver seemed to enjoy himself.
We all went for lunch with Mam and Dad - Sophia's in Frankston. But for some reason today it was awful. Other times we have been so impressed and recommended the food etc to everyone... yesterday really changed our minds. The first waiter looked liked he was really doing a lot but in actual fact he wasn't doing anything. Took away a bottle of wine to be opened and I swear it was about 10 minutes before it came back. The entree of calamari was rubbery and greasy. Mam and dad's pizza base looked very doughy and undercooked, my pasta was fairly tasteless whereas Noel's rib-eye was probably the best meal ordered except for the overcooked vegetables. Even my pasta devouring kids turned their noses up at the lasagne!! Guess where we won't be going again???
Then it was back up to the clubrooms (6pm) for the game reports and awards presentation.
Up at the football club, Noel and I are starting to get to know more and more of the committee members, coaches and the regulars. Last night was a really great night up the club. For not only did I publish the first newsletter for the Karingal Bulls (hopefully it was up to standard) but both Noel and I left the club as really proud parents. Oliver was given the Bull of the Week award for his on ground performance. He received a medal (will publish photo tomorrow) which he wore with pride all night and it took me a while to get it from around his neck whilst yelling at him to go to bed! Alex was really proud of her brother also but insisted that she share in the glory and had to have a turn of wearing it around her neck... lol!!
But Oliver recieving his award changed everyone's outlook on the whole day!! Well done Oliver - you make us all very proud.
Gotta fly.
Friday, June 15, 2007
The dreaded lurggies.......
Should be having a quiet weekend with nothing major planned at all except it’s back to football on Sunday (it was ace having a sleep in last Sunday). I think we will be catching up with Mam and Dad for lunch on Sunday also as they have postponed their departure until Tuesday as they too have had the dreaded lurggies.
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
A satisfyingly full weekend.....
Oliver the footy star!!
Friday, June 08, 2007
No school today
Oliver and Alex both love their new beanies!!
Thursday, June 07, 2007
Life is too short!
It also got me to thinking geez I am only 36.
I spend far too long dwelling over things that have happened and way to much time stressing about things I have no control over. I have honestly realised that I need to lower my expectations and standards that I put on everything. If I don’t I will end up dying being miserable and disappointed in the life that I did lead.
I am going to contact my sister, Claire. I don’t see her at all, only a chance meeting here and there at the moment unless something is planned and it really hurts me. I don’t understand why we are not close. I use to love going bowling together. We laughed and chatted away. I miss her. I need to tell her that I love her and that I am really proud of all she has achieved. I will endeavour to make peace and try to organise getting together.
My mam knows I love her – I tell her all the time. In fact I can’t wait for her to arrive in Melbourne in June. I am long overdue on a hug. And she deserves one too.
A “BIG” shout out to my sister in law, Clare, in Sydney. She knows I think the world of her and we chat regular. Unfortunately don’t see enough of each other either but certainly make up for it when we do get together.
Mam and Dad (Noel’s parents) have been great to me and I really appreciate their love and support. They are off on holidays in the weekend after next and they will be missed. I hope that they really enjoy their holiday up north. Not sure at this stage what date they are expected back – probably when the cold weather has gone away. Can’t say I blame them really.
My only wish is that the rift in the Murray family could be sorted and unfortunately I cannot do anything to help that – it is all up to Vicky now. We can’t make her do anything she doesn’t want to and at the moment she doesn’t see what here actions are doing. Very soon she will be giving birth to her first child and her whole world is going to change. It will be very sad for Sean that day as I don’t think he will have the support of his family at such a wonderful moment in his life - that’s really horrible to say but the reality is that it is because of the situation we are all in at the present…….
Don’t know where this whole situation is going to go but I do know…..
Monday, June 04, 2007
Home safely - but totally shattered!
AS IF!!!!!!!!!
The kids were ratty all through the shops - whinging about this, moaning about that!!
Saturday, June 02, 2007
I am nearly home....
BUT I am so looking forward to getting home and seeing Noel, Oliver, Alex and my bed!!! Living it up in hotels is okay but there is no place like home - hey Toto???
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Why do my kids go slow when I need them to go fast?
It really doesn’t matter to children what time things happen especially if it doesn’t really involve them. The fact that I have a routine that needs to be stuck to isn’t an issue compared to lying on the floor infront of the heater or playing with Barbies in the bedroom.
But geez you should see the faces if I don’t give them uniform that has been warmed in the dryer. Or if I haven’t put their favourite snack in the lunchboxes. Or if they realise at 5 to 7am that they haven’t got anything organised for Show and Tell and I don’t let them get something!!
I am so over yelling at them especially first thing in the morning.
Needless to say I think their dad will be having a little chat to them tonight!
Monday, May 28, 2007
GO WALES! Cymru am byth!
What an effort Wales made on Saturday night. Thankfully Sydney had a live telecast and sis could keep me up to speed with the scores otherwise I would have struggled to stay up until 11.30pm to watch it here on Channel 7 Melbourne (boohoo to them).
It is a shame that they lost but it was a great game. I being one very tired supporter from working Saturday morning watch the replays and snippets on the Sunday news and sports shows.
Well done Lads - Llongyfarchiadau!
Cymru am byth!
Already Monday?
Stressed out over my car - the battery has been dying every couple of days in the last week so we were up for a new battery and my magna is now working okay!! Touch wood and I am not going to speak to loud incase it hears me and wants to stress me out a little more by getting something else not to work!!
Football was great the Karingal Bulls Whites (Oliver's team) won again. They played away at Seaford so that was good - that's 2 wins from 4 games. Let's hope they keep the momentum up. Alex had a brilliant go at Auskick. Once again they had another grid match and my star princess kick 2 goals before getting a football to the side of her head. Then she showed us she really was a princess and cried for the rest of the session!!! Poor little thing!! All was fixed with a bucket of hot chips and a can of coke from the club canteen!! Of course. Tom also had a great Auskick session and was awarded the canteen award for his efforts.
Oh almost forgot - even managed to unpack a couple of boxes (made more of a mess mind you) but we are getting there.
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Our blog is no longer a secret!!
Yesterday I made the decision to share my blog with some of my family. I haven't told them all but I did tell my sister in law, Clare, and my mam. Sounds strange that I can share the happenings in the House of Murray with the world but have been worried about sharing this blogspot with my family. Maybe I felt they would think of me as a little wierd posting information for anyone to see - but it would just be like anyone finding a personal diary and having a good old read of it whilst drinking a cuppa!! Right?
Last night went so quickly - bur we managed to achieve a lot.
The kids and I managed to fit so many things into a few hours before getting home by 7pm! I left work to take Oliver and myself off to the doctors. Oliver has a sore throat and just looks under the weather. He has been given a course of anti-biotics so we will see how they go. Myself, not as easily fixed, blood pressure is still up high and have been told it is back to monthly BP checks and to lose weight (which I am trying to do). But other than that I am okay. Also I am trying a new cream for my psorisis which has become really bad on my elbows and knees!! Alex said she has a sore nostril but I am convinced that is just from always having her finger up her nose!! LOL!!
Then it was off to the Mitsubishi dealer to get a new zapper for my car security and also for them to reset my car radio.... I definately need music whilst driving!! My battery shorted the other day and cut out the radio which needed a code to reset. Of course this code wasn't written in any of my service books - that would be too logical.
After this, we all headed up to the local shopping centre so I could have my nails refilled. Alex is amazed at the whole process of false nails. She sat there watching in awe asking a never ending supply of questions. The lady painted Alex's nails after mine were finished and she walked around like a princess for the rest of the shopping trip. We grabbed a few groceries and it was off home.
Must admit totally shattered by the time dinner was cooked and the kids settled. Off to bed I went and as I do every Saturday morning was at work for 6am!
Still crossing fingers on having a quiet weekend....... might have a nana-nap this afternoon!!
Friday, May 25, 2007
A Mid Week Treat!!
Cannot believe it's Friday already. Wow what a week so far - it's been all go in the House of Murray!
There has been so much going on - on sooooo many different levels. Work is busy for us both, Oliver has been in strife at school, currently Alex has an attitude of an 18 year old, my sleep has been crap and the weather, well what can I say - it doesn't even know what it is doing!
So to chill ourselves out it was dinner at the local Chinese last night.... yum!!!
Thankfully a quiet weekend has been planned whether it remains quiet will be interesting!!! Hopefully I will get to unpack a few of the remaining boxes that are living in our dining room as the house is stressing me out a little at the moment.
Chat soon!
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
I think the cold wind has settled in...
Quite a quiet evening in our household last night. The usual homework, dinner, bath and bed for the kids while both Noel and I were completely shattered from the weekend.
I have decided to refocus on my diet/lifestyle and changes are being made as of today! So watch out family... no more junk or crap we are all going to become healthier.
Monday, May 21, 2007
You mean the weekend is over??
It is amazing that although we do tend to do a lot each weekend we never really get anything done...
- we are still unpacking boxes but they just don't seem to disappear
- the quicker I clean the house the quicker it gets messed up
- the faster I go to sleep the faster I wake up...
Saturday was a great afternoon. Alexandria had her halftime grid match at the Bulls home ground and she played really well. All of us (Noel, Oliver and myself) we really proud of her effort.
Here is Alex with her best friend Tom. They have been inseperable since creche. They are in the same class at school and play Auskick together ever Sunday morning.
Oliver played football really well this weekend and it was topped off with the fact that his team, U9's Karingal whites won their first match. Noel and I were also stoked when Oliver got given an award last night for a great effort during the game. I am a proud Mam!!
Saturday, May 19, 2007
So much has happened - where do we begin??
Since we last spoke it has just been one episode after another - seriously putting the "Days of Our Lives" plot to shame.
We have moved house. Only about 5 streets from the last place but none the less everything needed to be packed and of course, unpacked!! We needless to say we moved the first weekend in March and still have a few boxes floating around requiring attention.
Work has been busy for the both of us. My travelling to country/interstates sites is spasmotic with another 3 day trip coming up in two weeks. Noel has been doing all the overtime he can get but that too is irregular with noting set in concrete.
Still having the "family" argument with Noel's brother's wife.... she doesn't want anything to do with her husbands side of the family even though they have announced that they are expecting a child at the end of August. No matter what we try as a family she believes that she has done nothing wrong and is apparantly happy with having no contact. It is really tearing the family apart and I really feel for Noel's Mam and Dad.
As for my side of the family it is really not that much better. I don't see my sister from one week to the next - even Mother's day was a flop with a quick 10 minute catch up at the local football club and even that wasn't loving or sisterly. Our aunty flew into Melbourne for a family visit but didn't visit either my sister or me...... hmmmm obviously we are not classed as "family" anymore. She managed to see the other neices and nephews! But I am not going to complain as there is no point. I am just really glad that my Mam and I have a wonderful relationship now but then there is the fact that she is too far away to hug all the time.
Anyways facing another busy weekend - Alex is in an Auskick Grid Match at halftime in the seniors match today so that should be a laugh. Oliver is playing Under 9's football for the Karingal Bulls again this year and is playing at his home ground tomorrow morning.
Chat soon,
Monday, January 15, 2007
A relaxing Sunday outing.
We had planned to go to Ocean Beach down Flinders but it didn’t seem warm enough. So we took Mam up to Springvale for a look around and then had some lunch in a Vietnamese restaurant we had been to before.
It was quite a different atmosphere to what she is used to. As we all know most chinese restaurants cater for the Eastern world and have ventured from their traditions but when you get into a small café style restaurant where the majority of patrons are asian it’s all different. She ate with eye’s wide open staring from table to table looking at what other’s were ordering. It was fun just to watch Mam.
Then we went off to the Carribbean Gardens Market. Hadn’t been there for I don’t know how many years! It seemed to be a lot bigger and the kids seemed handle walking around the stalls okay. However their moods changed when we finally went and had a look around the gardens. We went on the jungle cruise, quite comical for us adults, but the kids had a ball.
Mam is off to Claire’s today for another week. Still not sure when she is planning to go back to Brisbane. The kids are off to Nana and Grandad’s for the week so the house will definitely be quiet for Noel and I…….
Looking forward to getting some sleep and yes I mean sleep!
It was just AWESOME!
On Saturday night good friend’s of ours, Mat and Ann-Marie, came over for dinner. I arranged it with Mat to bring over his Harley Davidson so Mam could have a ride as she had never been on one before…..
Apparantly it was AWESOME!! At least that is all we could get out of her for about an hour after returning. She loved it….. it was good to see her really happy.
Friday, January 12, 2007
Easter eggs already?
Noel’s mam and dad took Mam and the kids out for lunch on Wednesday to the Frankston RSL. It sounds like the place to go as everyone had good reviews about it. The kids enjoyed their meals and the computer room. The adults all said their meals were good and that they didn’t see the kids most of the time (due to the computer room of course)!
Went to the shops and saw Coles has already got Easter Eggs in the aisles… come on – we just got over Christmas… Funny though one aisle has left over Christmas stock and the other has the Easter range. I honestly think that it will get to a time where all supermarkets have an aisle dedicated to Christmas, Easter and any other festivities permanently. They might as well have one, right?
Mam took the kids on a bus ride to the beach yesterday. Needless to say she is one popular grandma!! They had a ball and I am sure Mam enjoyed herself although her stories focussed more about being worried that the kids would float away etc. I hope she is enjoying her quality time with the kids and I know that overall the kids are enjoying spending time with her. She will be going back to Queensland soon, which will be sad but we are all used to having to say goodbye – even though it is very hard every single time. I love her to bits (although at time we don’t have the same opinions) and really wished we lived closer together.
The bush fires are still burning - not just far away but some getting closer with a new outburst in Mount Martha.. my thoughts go out to the firefighters and also to the people that the fires are affecting......
Monday, January 08, 2007
A Day at the Races....
Every year we go to the Balnarring Picnic Races but this year we are members. It made all the difference setting up our spot next to the race track and not in the back blocks of the carpark. Due to the weather is wasn't that busy but we are planning on going back on Australia Day 26th January.
I think eveyone enjoyed themselves. There was enough food and grog for two days not just the one afternoon and the kids were in awe when the horses came close to us. Especially my nephew Wesley, who is 2. It was good to spend time with my sister and even Noel's brother Sean came, staying for quite a long time.
Mam is now back with us for the week. She has taken the challenge of babysitting for us all week as Noel is back at work today. Cross fingers the kids don't stooge her too much about what Mam and Dad really let them do!! LOL!!
Chat soon,
PS Happy Birthday to me!
Thursday, January 04, 2007
Finally able to log in???
Anyways I am back at work (boring and quiet as it is) whilst Noel is enjoying his last few days with the kids!! Lucky him.
They all went to the beach yesterday. The kids thought it was wonderful. We definately don't go the beach enough and the kids think it is such a novelty when we do!! Isn't it strange that we live close to the beach but never visit. I think that is partially my fault due to my weight issue but as a little girl I was always at the beach with my Mam. She used to pick us up from school and it would be straight down there, into our bathers and off into the water!
The weather has finally started to warm up and considering we had hail stones on Christmas Day it is about time! Now of course everyone is complaining that it is too hot and muggy. Last night I was cranky when I got home but I think that was due to more than just the heat. It was a combination of my first day at work, getting up too early and my attitude towards myself at the moment. Saying that I owed Noel an apology, which I gave, but I still managed to put a damper on the evening. Cross fingers tonight will definately be better.
I have decided to go back to Weight Watchers and get the added moral support needed to complete my weight loss journey. I really think I can do it this time and more importantly I want to do it. Enough on that subject as I have a seperate "fat" blog.
We are off to Balnarring Races on Sunday (weather permitting as they have forecast rain!!) for my birthday celebration. Picnic lunch and no doubt a few glasses of champagne!! We went last year and really enjoyed the day but this year we have members passes. Noel's mam and dad are also going as we got them members passes for Christmas. My mam and sister with all her boys will be joining us also.
Bye for now.
Monday, January 01, 2007
Happy New Year
It was a quiet day for the Murray household today. We didn't have anything planned except for taking Mam across to my sisters house. Mam will stay with them until Sunday 7th then she is back with us for one week. It was sad to have Mam pack her belongings and drop her off but the right thing has to be done. She needs to spend time with her other grandkids especially baby Angus who will be one month old on the 3rd.
Noel and I have both decided it is time to shift some of our weight - don't know where to yet but as long as it leaves our bodies I don't really care where it goes!! We went shopping today and stocked up on fresh vegies and fruit and will definately be starting our new lifestyle as of tomorrow morning.
The kids have just about gotten over Christmas and all the festivities. Alex even asked "When is it Christmas Mam?" I explained that it was 12 months away so she had better start being good! They are both enjoying all their Christmas presents especially the Nintendo DS Lites they both received. I have been enjoying them also and honest believe I should have got one off Santa also. I got a bike so I need to start using that - better buy a helmet first (must set a good example for the kids) and we also need to buy Noel a bike now so we can do the family bike riding thing!!
Chat soon,