Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Seaford Weight Watchers has closed.

Tonight was the last Weight Watchers meeting to be held at Seaford.

According to Weight Watchers they will review it again in January but that seems so far away. Although I am sadden by the closure and the fact that I won't have the regular contact with the members I am looking forward to the new beginning.... I am going to become a paying member again and start making myself accountable for each week. Needless to say I am going to tag along with Vicki to the Thursday night meeting at Frankston and I am sure that having a buddy to go with will do me the world of good..... are you ready for a tag team effort Vicki? LOL!!

I actually showed a loss of 0.1kgs this week - yeah.... I honestly haven't been good and as for my will power - it's gone into hiding and although I have searched high and low haven't been able to find it. Tomorrow is another day and a NEW day.

Noel and I are off to the doctors in the morning... Noel's blood test results will be back and I just want a new blood pressure tablet prescription and a check up. Noel went to the doctor's last week for peace of mind and asked for a blood test to check all the usual - cholesteral, blood sugars etc. I am sure that he will be fine.

Off to bed now... have a great night all.

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