As you have probably gathered by now, I LIVE for menu planning! By menu planning it ensures that we have a weeks worth of meals organised which is especially useful Monday through Friday when there is not much of the day left after finishing work, picking up the kids from school and having to deal with the tasks of homework, clothes washing, showers, etc., and to do without the hassle of worrying WHAT we are cooking for dinner each night. Honestly if I left deciding what’s for dinner until I go home we wouldn’t eat until midnight!!
With the exception of tonight's meal, a BBQ which Noel is in charge of cooking, and tomorrow our menu has been planned for us to get back on track and be healthy. Don't get me wrong BBQ's are good but they do turn somewhat into a meat fest and although a salad is made it rarely gets a look in once your plate is full of the barbecued meat. I like having one meat (ie steak or chicken) but that's just not the aussie way right?
Tuesday is a day at the Balnarring Picnic Races. We are taking the weber as we are having a roast leg of lamb. I love sitting there, sipping champas and smelling the roast cooking. Plus it puts cold picnics to shame.... and makes other's near us very jealous. After a big lunch it will be leftovers or "grab your own" if anyone is hungry later on tomorrow night.
The kids will be at Nana and Grandad's for a couple of nights this week as Noel is returning to work on Wednesday and school doesn't commence until Monday. I don't want them to stay home for 3 whole days just quite yet - I think they may end up killing one another! It will be safer for them to go to their grandparents. Needless to say we are having some meals they wouldn't eat on Wednesday and Thursday evenings - some nice spicy dishes.
Anyway so this is how our week is looking food wise....
Sat ~ Luna Park - McDonalds (I know - yuk!!)
Sun ~ Chinta Blues Malaysian Hawker Bar
Mon ~ BBQ Pork Steaks, sausages, rissoles and salad
Sun ~ Chinta Blues Malaysian Hawker Bar
Mon ~ BBQ Pork Steaks, sausages, rissoles and salad
Tue ~ Balnarring Races ~ leftover roast lamb/help yourself dinner
Wed ~ Prawn Laksa Stirfry with Rice
Thu ~ Black Bean and Chilli Lobster Tails
Fri ~ BBQ at mam and dad's
Wed ~ Prawn Laksa Stirfry with Rice
Thu ~ Black Bean and Chilli Lobster Tails
Fri ~ BBQ at mam and dad's
I know that our week starts on a Saturday but that’s just for the ease of fitting in with my grocery shopping which is normally done on a Friday night or Saturday afternoon.As usual more great menu ideas can be found at Menu Plan Monday over at I’m An Organising Junkie, don’t be shy pop over and have a look at other’s menu plans. You never know you may just find something different to have for dinner.
Some recipes for things we cook can be found over at our cooking blog, A Dash Of Flavour, normally posted after they have been cooked or just click on the links for each meal when they appear.
Happy cooking,
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