Saturday we babysat Taila and Mitchell, our friend's children. They were moving house, Noel helped with the actual move but I thought it would be really helpful to have the kids overnight to give them a little more freedom to sort out the boxes etc. I love moving house but it such a stressful time really. Anyway several DVD's later we had Homemade Pies with Wedges for dinner..... all the kids excited by this idea, especially when I told them they could make up their own pie!
Sunday, started with Lemonade Pancakes being requested by our kids, which was great as budding chef Alex taught Taila how to make them - yes they really are that easy. These went down a treat, infact neither Noel or myself got one and ended up having poached eggs on toast instead! The kids were picked up early afternoon so for the rest of the day we just enjoyed ourselves as a family of four, which was really nice. We did have Chinese Roast Pork for dinner to celebrate Chinese New Year... served with a salad and rice paper we made our own rice paper rolls. YUM! A nice easy dish to prepare and the kids love making their dinner up themselves.
Monday was a day at the Picnic Races in Balnarring and also Australia Day. Needless to say, as usual, it was a food fest even though only six of us went this meeting. We took a bbq chicken, salad and some bread rolls. Noel's mam brought party pies and sausage rolls. I also made a huge platter of fruit so that was nice and refreshing.
Tuesday (Noel and I both had a RDO) was meant to be relaxing but overall turned out to be not only a busy day but a warm one. In fact it was the start of our heatwave that we are having here in Victoria. I cannot believe that it was 43 deg C yesterday, 43 deg C today and forecast much the same for tomorrow. We picked up the kids school books which I must say cost us almost $600, did a little bit of grocery shopping and then got the dent in my car bumper assessed by the panel beaters. My car is now booked in to be repaired on March 2nd and will be in the panel beaters for two days.... two days without my car all because some idiot decided to hit my stationery vehicle (with my hazard lights on I must add) while driving with her dog jumping around in her car!! Not happy at all!!
I have spoken to Mam a few times since she left - I miss her like crazy and I am really glad (and grateful) that she is planning to come to Melbourne in April for Noel's 40th birthday. I am planning a party which will probably be at home and more than likely a spit roast. Hopefully I will be able to round up a few of his older friends that he hasn't seen for awhile to surprise him with but we will see. I do however know that I need to pull my finger out and start organising it!
The house is quiet again at the moment as the kids have both gone to Noel's parents for the last few days of the school holidays. School goes back on Monday and I must say I am so looking forward to getting back into our normal routine. Plus I hate having to farm the kids out left, right and centre due to both of us working. But what can we do? It's the government's fault.. I mean we are entitled to 4 week's paid holiday leave per year but the kids get 12 weeks off school?? Go figure!!
Enough rabbiting on ...... more adventures to go and have!

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