Today is the first day at school for my two little darlin's with one, Alex of course, being excited and awake, teeth brushed, hair brushed, bag packed and asking if it was time to leave all by 6.30am while the other, Oliver, stayed in bed and if he could that is where he would have stayed.
Both have new teachers and are in new levels. Alex is in Grade 3 and has Mrs M, who Oliver had for both Grade 3 & 4 so I am sure she will find the difference between the two of them refreshing! It's Grade 6 for Oliver this year and he has Ms V. He was moved over to the other 5/6 grade, I am usure as to why, but he is happy with the change. Maybe the change will be as good as a holiday for him??
As for me I revelled in the fact that today was the first day of being back into ROUTINE. I love routine. We work better with routine. So this morning 5.30am the alarm went off (which allowed me a few minutes of lying there gathering my thoughts) then it was like clockwork. Sandwiches made for all four of us, lunchboxes packed, uniforms ready and waiting for bodies, showers had, school bags and my bag packed, all done and out the door by 6.55am! The children can be left at Before School Care at 7am which is great as I start work at 8am.
Either Noel or myself will pick them up from school depending on work commitments, etc, tonight Noel will pick them up. For me Monday's is Weight Watchers and I know this week I have a doctors appointment at 5pm also (just to check my BP).
Normally the kids do their homework when we get in - depending on who has picked them up it can be anywhere between 4.30pm and 5.30pm by the time we walk through the front door. There is no TV or playstation during the school week. The evening routine is just as frantic as the morning and we try in hope to get dinner on the table by no later than 6.30pm, thankfully Noel loves to cook also so that is a great help. If I am running late he will start getting things ready. So needless to say weeknight dinners need to be quick and easy. Then after dinner it's shower and bed by 8.30pm but 8pm if they want to read a book etc.
Now I know that it doesn't sound all that exciting especially for the kids but come Friday night the weekends are all about them. As most of you know I normally work on Saturday morning but honestly, this gives Noel one 0n one time with them, which he doesn't get when he is chin deep in overtime or night shift. We try to make the weekends fun and do something that interests them. And of course we try to catch up with our family and friends.
So there you have it - the happenings of the House of Murray. Busy times but fun times and my beloved ROUTINE...

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