I love Christmas!!!
Sunday, December 02, 2012
2012 Christmas Decorating....
We normally don't decorate until the 13th but with how busy December is this year we decided to get it done early.
Tuesday, September 04, 2012
Monday, September 03, 2012
Sunday, September 02, 2012
September Photo A Day - Day 2 Father
This is me with my Dad on my wedding day 25th September 1993.... he passed away 6 weeks later.
I love you Dad and miss you every day.
Happy Fathers Day xxxxxx
dad d,
photo a day
Saturday, September 01, 2012
September Photo A Day
Ok so I am giving this another go...... July was unsuccessful and August was non existent....as I got too busy and lost focus - why? I have no idea.
Here is the list of the September photos.... more information please click here.

Wish me luck...........................
photo a day
Tuesday, July 03, 2012
Monday, July 02, 2012
Sunday, July 01, 2012
Sunday, June 24, 2012
Great day at the Football
It was bloody freezing standing on the sidelines watching both the kids play today. They both played really well.
Alex played what many said was her best game to date, including her coach Kevin who gave her a brilliant wrap minutes before her collecting an award for great gameplay. He said "it was the best game he witnessed her play in the 3 years that he had coached her". As a mam and dad we were both very proud. Unfortunately the Under 11's lost today - only their 2nd loss this year.
Oliver also played well surprising his coach Russell by asking to try a different position. Oliver's team had a brilliant win - something that the team needed. Ollie also got an award tonight - WOOHOO clean sweep for the Murray kids.
Great work kids.... you guys rock xx
Alex played what many said was her best game to date, including her coach Kevin who gave her a brilliant wrap minutes before her collecting an award for great gameplay. He said "it was the best game he witnessed her play in the 3 years that he had coached her". As a mam and dad we were both very proud. Unfortunately the Under 11's lost today - only their 2nd loss this year.
Oliver also played well surprising his coach Russell by asking to try a different position. Oliver's team had a brilliant win - something that the team needed. Ollie also got an award tonight - WOOHOO clean sweep for the Murray kids.
Nana's birthday
Today is Nana's birthday, Noel's mam.
This year we won't get to see her as both Mam and Dad are on their way to Tweed Heads for a relaxing holiday. We did celebrate the other week with all the family up at their house for dinner.
So a phone call this morning wishing her a wonderful day filled with love and laughter is this year's celebration. Great chatting with her this morning. She was really happy with our Happy Birthday serenade.... lol laughing as we probably hurt her ears!!
This year we won't get to see her as both Mam and Dad are on their way to Tweed Heads for a relaxing holiday. We did celebrate the other week with all the family up at their house for dinner.
So a phone call this morning wishing her a wonderful day filled with love and laughter is this year's celebration. Great chatting with her this morning. She was really happy with our Happy Birthday serenade.... lol laughing as we probably hurt her ears!!
~ Happy Birthday Nana ~
Saturday, June 23, 2012
Back in the groove....
Yes it is back in the groove - full swing ahead with the Murray household. Menu planning, shopping, cleaning, homework, catching up on a week, etc... I am back in my element. Yes truly I am.
Ollie got picked up this morning to go to the U18's and waterboy followed by the other 2 senior games at the Pines. Huge day for him and in the rain at times but he enjoys earning the money. $35 for running water for 3 games on a Saturday is quite good for a 14 year old I guess.
Noel, Alex and I went shopping and had lunch at Mambo's instead of eating at the dodgy food court. I don't mind going there and it is away from the shopping centre.
Alex is still working on her project of the Australian Federation focussing on Edmund Barton. She is putting 110% in as usual but I will be so glad when she has handed it in and it is over.
Have decided tonight is DVD night and as a family we are going to sit down and watch Hugo.
Enjoy your Saturday xxx
Ollie got picked up this morning to go to the U18's and waterboy followed by the other 2 senior games at the Pines. Huge day for him and in the rain at times but he enjoys earning the money. $35 for running water for 3 games on a Saturday is quite good for a 14 year old I guess.
Noel, Alex and I went shopping and had lunch at Mambo's instead of eating at the dodgy food court. I don't mind going there and it is away from the shopping centre.
Alex is still working on her project of the Australian Federation focussing on Edmund Barton. She is putting 110% in as usual but I will be so glad when she has handed it in and it is over.
Have decided tonight is DVD night and as a family we are going to sit down and watch Hugo.
Enjoy your Saturday xxx
karingal bulls,
quality time,
Friday, June 22, 2012
YAY Home again....
Nothing beats returning home especially to my family.... hubby, ever supportive and loving, kids glad to see me back and as we know a child's love is unconditional. It definitely makes the travel and time away for work worth it upon my return.
I had a huge week away - the stress of my work tasks and of course there was another issues work related which I ended up being involved in as an Independent or as it was subtly put "a fresh set of eyes" but that's my job and I do enjoy it.
Noel's job interview went really well. YAY!! The management there spoke about all aspects of the job, a medical would be required if he was to make it through and that they weren't starting until mid July. Noel, positive about the interview, expected to hear from the company next week or so. Only to recieve a phone call that afternoon stating we might as well get the ball rolling and get that medical done early next week. OMG things are looking brilliant but I hope they turn out that way. I am really excited for him but worried at the same time. Overall great news to come home to.
It is probably just as cold in Melbourne as it has been in Tasmania except that there has been a lot of rain.
But that doesn't matter because I am home xxxx
cold weather,
home sweet home,
work travel
Homeward stretch.... farewell Tasmania!
Before leaving Hobart to go home, I have a very interesting day ahead, infact the last few days have been very interesting....I commented yesterday that "I just got to tell myself that I am doing this because I can make a difference!!"
This is something my gorjus husband sent me:
Today is a new day,hold your head high smile take a deep breath and move forward,life is full of ups and downs,what u did yesterday is history,and what might happen today may change our lives for ever,cannot wait to be with you tonight so we can be a family, wish me luck this morning,this is what I have wanted for over 12 months,love you miss you xxx
Management asked me to become involved in an EEO (Equal Employment Opportunity) issue - main problem Bullying and Harrassment in the work place. I have found the last two days very hard, interviewing many involved, striving to stay independent while trying to keep my emotions at bay. This is the first EEO issue that I have been involved in - only newly appointed to the role I haven't even done any formal training. I guess I was in the wrong place at the right time!!
This morning will see me meet with all involved including the operations mananager. My gut already knows the outcome - it's just the scenarios which I keep playing in my fuzzy brain.
Yes fuzzy brain.... last night as stress relief I went nightclubbing. Yep me at a night club... actually several night clubs and several fruit tingles later I found myself back in the hotel room at around 2am... it was about 3.30 am by the time I relaxed enough for sleep. All the managers and us visitors went out for dinner at the Drunken Admiral. Then as dinner wrapped up and we were saying our good byes one of the gents from the Quarry said he was going to find another place to hang - too early to go home. Every one was surprised at my spasmotic agreement with a work collegue to kick on for the night but I beleive I needed to release some tension and try and destress - no chance of clearning my head though.
Noel has a job interview this morning at Bombardier - a company he has been trying to get into for approximately a year now. I am crossing fingers and toes for him as this job has been a dream, a desire for him for so long now. It is better hours, better pay, better conditions, full time so there is job security along with the benefits of holiday and sick pay. I know I will have that in my mind while getting on with my day - I am just praying that it goes well.
Oh well.... let us see what today holds... I honestly cannot wait to get home xxx
eeo issues,
job interview,
night club,
work travel
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Busy Busy Busy!!!!!
Thank god I am part of this family or I wouldn't keep up with the happenings of late. The Murray family has been very busy.
Currently I am away again with work. Sitting here at the moment in Longford Concrete Plant, Tasmania. It's a chilly 2 degrees outside and about 3 degrees inside the batch hut!! I flew into Launceston last night after spending Monday evening in Geelong, working on another project. I am here with Terry to complete a Front End Loader assessment and also the Housekeeping Photo capture. The two of us will be moving on to Hobart this afternoon where we have a Zero Harm presentation and will meet up with our manager Veronica. All 3 of us will leave Hobart Friday afternoon - YAY just in time for the weekend.
Noel and the kids are well.
Noel has had car troubles this week and thankfully was able to stop his car Monday morning without damaging it or any ofther vehicle. A malfuncation whilst driving to work causing the Land Rover to loose it's brakes making for an interesting trip up the freeway. One tow truck later, a missed day of work and a car sitting at the mechanics waiting to be fixed. Luckily we have kept my old Magna (as I have a company car) so he has a vehicle to drive around in.
Alex is busy with a school project about the Federation of Australia. I love how she loves school and learning, always putting in a 110% effort on school work both in the classroom and at home. For extra project points she is making a bust of Edmund Barton, Australia's first prime minister.
Oliver finally returned to football this weekend after breaking his arm 5 weeks ago. He was pretty excited and played well.The team won against the Rovers so that was a bonus also. At school they are discussing career options and education choices - strange to believe that my little boy is nearly in Year 10 and half way through high school!! Where has the time gone?
Enough blogging...the sun has risen so I can start my Japanese tourist impression with my camera taking photos of the Longford plant. Hard to take photo's in the dark!
Enjoy xx
Currently I am away again with work. Sitting here at the moment in Longford Concrete Plant, Tasmania. It's a chilly 2 degrees outside and about 3 degrees inside the batch hut!! I flew into Launceston last night after spending Monday evening in Geelong, working on another project. I am here with Terry to complete a Front End Loader assessment and also the Housekeeping Photo capture. The two of us will be moving on to Hobart this afternoon where we have a Zero Harm presentation and will meet up with our manager Veronica. All 3 of us will leave Hobart Friday afternoon - YAY just in time for the weekend.
Noel and the kids are well.
Noel has had car troubles this week and thankfully was able to stop his car Monday morning without damaging it or any ofther vehicle. A malfuncation whilst driving to work causing the Land Rover to loose it's brakes making for an interesting trip up the freeway. One tow truck later, a missed day of work and a car sitting at the mechanics waiting to be fixed. Luckily we have kept my old Magna (as I have a company car) so he has a vehicle to drive around in.
Alex is busy with a school project about the Federation of Australia. I love how she loves school and learning, always putting in a 110% effort on school work both in the classroom and at home. For extra project points she is making a bust of Edmund Barton, Australia's first prime minister.
Oliver finally returned to football this weekend after breaking his arm 5 weeks ago. He was pretty excited and played well.The team won against the Rovers so that was a bonus also. At school they are discussing career options and education choices - strange to believe that my little boy is nearly in Year 10 and half way through high school!! Where has the time gone?
Enough blogging...the sun has risen so I can start my Japanese tourist impression with my camera taking photos of the Longford plant. Hard to take photo's in the dark!
Enjoy xx
car repairs,
work travel
Friday, June 15, 2012
Murray family dinner.....
Mam and Dad arrived home from their holidays but we hadn't caught up with them until tonight. It was great to see them, even though you could tell they were still exhausted from their adventures and the jet lag that they were experiencing.
We had yummy dinner of Roast Pork but the highlight was just catching up with not only the two of them but with Sean and Vicky also. It seems like forever since we have seen them also.
It was great to hear all about Mam and Dad's adventures and all the places that they went too. Some of their destinations sounded so beautiful, some I had visited myself and brought back memories of my days of travelling... many many moons ago. Long before I became a Murray!
It was great talking with Sean and Vicky and catching up with them, something we should definitely do more often. They used the Gold Class Tickets that we gave Vicky for her birthday last year, with Vicky's parents having the boys giving them a night out by themselves.
Mam recieved her birthday present from the family, a bowling jacket, as she will be away for her birthday next weekend. They are heading to Tweed Heads as they do most years at this time. Hopefully they will have a safe trip and an enjoyable time.
We had yummy dinner of Roast Pork but the highlight was just catching up with not only the two of them but with Sean and Vicky also. It seems like forever since we have seen them also.
It was great to hear all about Mam and Dad's adventures and all the places that they went too. Some of their destinations sounded so beautiful, some I had visited myself and brought back memories of my days of travelling... many many moons ago. Long before I became a Murray!
It was great talking with Sean and Vicky and catching up with them, something we should definitely do more often. They used the Gold Class Tickets that we gave Vicky for her birthday last year, with Vicky's parents having the boys giving them a night out by themselves.
Mam recieved her birthday present from the family, a bowling jacket, as she will be away for her birthday next weekend. They are heading to Tweed Heads as they do most years at this time. Hopefully they will have a safe trip and an enjoyable time.
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Teeth Chattering & Knees Knocking!!
I have now made my way to Hobart and it is still cold. One more night and we can all go home - mind you from what I hear it hasn't been that much warmer in Melbourne.
Last night I had a lovely dinner at The Squires Bounty at Salamanca Place with Mark, Terry and Veronica. The food was delish and the company was brilliant. I love catching up with Mark, we have formed a close friendship since we first met and spent time together in Brisbane for work. OMG what a week of work and alcohol that was!! LOL!!
Today will be a pretty full on day at work - mainly mentally but I do have to drive back up to Launceston for an important meeting (for want of a describing word this point in time). I will say however I am not looking forward to that but it is a requirement.
Tonight on the other hand will be another fantastic evening. Dinner at The Drunken Admiral, one of my favourite Hobart restaurants with managers and supervisors for both quarry and concrete and their partners. They always get together and take me for dinner when I am in Hobart. Any excuse for a piss up I reckon but it's lovely to see the social side of them all - and it's always a hoot.
Better go stand back in front of the heater!!
the drunken admiral,
the squires bounty,
work travel
Monday, June 11, 2012
Queen's Birthday - Long weekend.
Happy Birthday to the Queen 2012 and thank you for a long weekend.
With all the Regal celebrations - the Queen's Diamond Jubilee -we just had a wonderful but quiet weekend... with Noel and I spending some great quality time together.
Alex was away at Lakes Entrance with her friend, Tammy, celebrating Tammy's birthday. She left Friday from school and was home Monday afternoon.
Oliver had his friend Max over , spending most of the time in the bedroom on the X-Box only coming out for food and toilet breaks. I guess just like most teenage boys do!
As for Noel and I, well we entertained ourselves.
Saturday night we had a date!! Dinner out at Blu Restaurant in Patterson Lakes. The food was nice, the service good but it was a very noisy restaurant but it was busy. We both agreed that it would also be a nice restaurant to have lunch in - especially over looking the water's edge. We shared a dip and bread platter for entree followed by a seafood platter for 2 for dinner.
Sunday we went to the local Market for a walk around, had a coffee out and about, did some shopping etc. Max stayed again Sunday night.
Monday we caught up Kelee and went for lunch at Petaling Street in Clayton. I have had lunch there before with work so it was nice to take Noel and Kelee there. We were there for several, catching up on what's been happening with us all. We love Kelee to bits and we are all at ease with each other, being able to chat about anything and everything.
A little more shopping on Sunday, then home to get ready for work and school Tuesday and the weekend was well and truly over.
With all the Regal celebrations - the Queen's Diamond Jubilee -we just had a wonderful but quiet weekend... with Noel and I spending some great quality time together.
Alex was away at Lakes Entrance with her friend, Tammy, celebrating Tammy's birthday. She left Friday from school and was home Monday afternoon.
Oliver had his friend Max over , spending most of the time in the bedroom on the X-Box only coming out for food and toilet breaks. I guess just like most teenage boys do!
As for Noel and I, well we entertained ourselves.
Saturday night we had a date!! Dinner out at Blu Restaurant in Patterson Lakes. The food was nice, the service good but it was a very noisy restaurant but it was busy. We both agreed that it would also be a nice restaurant to have lunch in - especially over looking the water's edge. We shared a dip and bread platter for entree followed by a seafood platter for 2 for dinner.
Sunday we went to the local Market for a walk around, had a coffee out and about, did some shopping etc. Max stayed again Sunday night.
Monday we caught up Kelee and went for lunch at Petaling Street in Clayton. I have had lunch there before with work so it was nice to take Noel and Kelee there. We were there for several, catching up on what's been happening with us all. We love Kelee to bits and we are all at ease with each other, being able to chat about anything and everything.
A little more shopping on Sunday, then home to get ready for work and school Tuesday and the weekend was well and truly over.
blu restaurant; petaling street;,
long weekend,
quality time,
queen's birthday
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Cyber Safety
Alex and a few of her friends from Grade 6 had a great night at the school's Open Night when they did an on stage act about Cyber Safety. It was brilliant.....
They all took turns discussing Cyber Safety and introducing short films about the subject.
They were all very brave and we are sooo proud of them all.
ballam park primary school,
Ollie's camping again.... home today!
Despite a broken arm and being in plaster the school (and his parents) allowed Ollie to go to camp up in the Grampians. It's an Outdoor Activities camp so he won't be able to participate in all the activities but the fact that he is getting out there in the wilderness with his mates was important to me.
He left Monday morning so has spent two nights away, as with all the camps for his year level they have to cook/prepare their own breakfasts, lunches and dinners while away. Ollie was in charge with dinners so left armed with hot dogs for Monday night and Ravioli in Bolagnese Sauce for Tuesday. It will be interesting to see how they got on over the 3 days, what the camp was like and if they survived Ollie's cooking??
There is always a strange feel in the house when one of our members is missing... there is a saddened quietness especially from either child when the other sibling is absent. For Noel and myself it's just too quiet - outright too quiet. Not niggling or arguments, no dobbing and unfortunately no silly giggling!!
All will be back to normal by 3pm this afternoon.......
He left Monday morning so has spent two nights away, as with all the camps for his year level they have to cook/prepare their own breakfasts, lunches and dinners while away. Ollie was in charge with dinners so left armed with hot dogs for Monday night and Ravioli in Bolagnese Sauce for Tuesday. It will be interesting to see how they got on over the 3 days, what the camp was like and if they survived Ollie's cooking??
There is always a strange feel in the house when one of our members is missing... there is a saddened quietness especially from either child when the other sibling is absent. For Noel and myself it's just too quiet - outright too quiet. Not niggling or arguments, no dobbing and unfortunately no silly giggling!!
All will be back to normal by 3pm this afternoon.......
school camp
Monday, May 21, 2012
Fundraising Chocolate Drive ....
The Karingal Bulls Juniors have once succumbed to a Fundraising Chocolate Drive, which while it brings in great profit for the club it does mean many families eat too many chocolates and grumble about having to pay for them.
Alex and her friend Sarah embarked on selling the box that we brought home and within the hour the whole box was sold and they were quite proud of themselves.
Well done girls for supporting the Karingal Bulls Junior Football Club.
karingal bulls,
Menu Plan Monday (19th May 2012 - 25th May 2012)
So here is this week's menu plan for our house:
Saturday ~ Fish, Cauliflower and Broccoli Cheese and vegetables
Sunday ~ Roast lamb, potatoes and vegetables with gravy and mint sauce
Monday ~ Slow-cooked Sticky Pork with Steamed Asian Greens
Tue ~ Lamb Stew with Crusty Bread
Wed ~ Middle Eastern Beef Meatballs
Thu ~ Curried Lamb Pie
Fri ~ Fettucine Marinara
Baking ~ Bacon and Corn Polenta Muffins
Sunday ~ Roast lamb, potatoes and vegetables with gravy and mint sauce
Monday ~ Slow-cooked Sticky Pork with Steamed Asian Greens
Tue ~ Lamb Stew with Crusty Bread
Wed ~ Middle Eastern Beef Meatballs
Thu ~ Curried Lamb Pie
Fri ~ Fettucine Marinara
Baking ~ Bacon and Corn Polenta Muffins
Menu planning plays a major roll in our life! By menu planning it ensures that we have a weeks worth of meals organised which is especially useful Monday through Friday when there is not much of the day left after finishing work, picking up the kids from school and having to deal with the tasks of homework, clothes washing, showers, etc., and to do without the hassle of worrying WHAT we are cooking for dinner each night. Honestly if I left deciding what’s for dinner until I go home we wouldn’t eat until midnight!!
I know that our week starts on a Saturday but that’s just for the ease of fitting in with my grocery shopping which is normally done on a Friday night or Saturday afternoon. As usual more great menu ideas can be found at Menu Plan Monday over at I’m An Organising Junkie, don’t be shy pop over and have a look at other’s menu plans. You never know you may just find something different to have for dinner.
Some recipes for things we cook can be found over at our cooking blog, A Dash Of Flavour, normally posted after they have been cooked or just click on the links for each meal when they appear.
Happy cooking,
Jo xx
I know that our week starts on a Saturday but that’s just for the ease of fitting in with my grocery shopping which is normally done on a Friday night or Saturday afternoon. As usual more great menu ideas can be found at Menu Plan Monday over at I’m An Organising Junkie, don’t be shy pop over and have a look at other’s menu plans. You never know you may just find something different to have for dinner.
Some recipes for things we cook can be found over at our cooking blog, A Dash Of Flavour, normally posted after they have been cooked or just click on the links for each meal when they appear.
Happy cooking,
Jo xx
menu plan monday
Sunday, May 20, 2012
Kerry is back....
Great to have Kerry back in Melbourne for this weekend. Our friendship has blossomed since meeting many years ago on the Weight Watchers forums and has seen many catch ups.
Kerry flew into Melbourne this morning to participate in the Michelle Bridges 12WBT training session and for us to both attend the Finale Party. Kerry has been following the plan whereas I was only attending as a guest. Not that I minded going out all dressed up.
The Finale Party was held at the The Plaza Ballroom, Collins Street, Melbourne and the theme was to sparkle. It was great to see so many people committed to bettering themselves. I have walked away with quite some motivation to continue on my weight loss journey.
We came home, enjoyed a chat and then went to bed with poor Kerry absolutely knackered from here 4.30am start this morning and the huge workout at St Kilda as part of the Michelle Bridges 12WBT programme.
Kerry flew into Melbourne this morning to participate in the Michelle Bridges 12WBT training session and for us to both attend the Finale Party. Kerry has been following the plan whereas I was only attending as a guest. Not that I minded going out all dressed up.
The Finale Party was held at the The Plaza Ballroom, Collins Street, Melbourne and the theme was to sparkle. It was great to see so many people committed to bettering themselves. I have walked away with quite some motivation to continue on my weight loss journey.
We came home, enjoyed a chat and then went to bed with poor Kerry absolutely knackered from here 4.30am start this morning and the huge workout at St Kilda as part of the Michelle Bridges 12WBT programme.
old friends,
weight loss,
weight watchers
Friday, May 18, 2012
Our little Princess is sick.....
Last night I was awoken by Princess who said in a sad voice "Mam I really need to be sick". This has come totally out of the blue as she had gone to bed as normal and in good spirits.
A full night of either Noel and I keeping Princess company meant that the two of us were knackered but not as much as Alex was.....
Love you Princess.... hope you get better quickly!! MWAH!!
A full night of either Noel and I keeping Princess company meant that the two of us were knackered but not as much as Alex was.....
Love you Princess.... hope you get better quickly!! MWAH!!
Sunday, May 13, 2012
Another great win for the Unders 11's
Today the Under 11's played Edithvale Aspendale. There was some rain to which I was one of the parents that ran for cover to the inside of the pavilion while the kids ran around in the drizzle.
A really good game played by the Bulls.... The Under 13's also won their game but Oliver didn't play due to his arm being in plaster.
It is Mother's Day here today so I received some gorjus presents and lots of special treatment. While nice and relaxing it was strange not to be surrounded by other members of our family with my Mam being in Brisbane and Noel's Mam being overseas on holidays. I received a text message from Sean and Vicky wishing me a Happy Mothers Day which was really nice of them taking the time to make the effort.
A really good game played by the Bulls.... The Under 13's also won their game but Oliver didn't play due to his arm being in plaster.
It is Mother's Day here today so I received some gorjus presents and lots of special treatment. While nice and relaxing it was strange not to be surrounded by other members of our family with my Mam being in Brisbane and Noel's Mam being overseas on holidays. I received a text message from Sean and Vicky wishing me a Happy Mothers Day which was really nice of them taking the time to make the effort.
mother's day,
Saturday, May 12, 2012
Dinner with the Roberts' family...
Definitely a long time between catch ups for the two families. Vera and Paul helped us with a computer issues because, even if you cannot believe this, I am not computer savvy when it comes to fixing these machines. I am pretty good at using them but I have to say that I do come with an IT department at work.
Vera took some photos.....
Vera took some photos.....
~Paul ~
~ Kayla ~
~ Bailey and of course, Me ~
~ Bailey, Oliver, Paul and Vera ~
~ Noel, Alex, Kayla and Dante ~
We all had a brilliant evening - an evening that should happen more often..... that's for sure!!
paul m,
roberts family,
Wednesday, May 09, 2012
Now it's Oliver's turn to break.....
A phone call at work was enough for me to leave, gather a child from home and head to the Emergency Department at Frankston Hospital. After several hours of waiting, being x-rayed and then plastered Oliver is now the proud owner of a plaster cast on his right arm.
He was running around at school, didn't see a wire fence, managed to run into it and fall over, landing on his arm. This has resulted in a greenstick fracture and his arm being in plaster for at least 5 weeks.
broken arm,
frankston hospital,
Sunday, April 29, 2012
An early Mother's Day Celebration
With Mam and Dad going away for the whole month of May, we invited them down for a late lunch/early dinner after the kids football games to catch up and to also spoil Mam as she will be away for Mother's Day on the 13th of May.
I have to say the presents were a complete surprise to mam as she hadn't even given a thought to the upcoming Mothers Day so it was great to see her excitement.
I hope they have a wonderful trip in Europe and the Mediterranean.
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Anzac Day 2012
They do no grow old
as we who are left grow old,
At the going down of the sun
we will remember them;
Lest we forget.
anzac day,
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Happy Birthday Noel....
Happy Birthday
to my wonderful husband Noel
and to our wonderful dad.....
We are wishing you a great day (sorry we both have to work and the kids had to go to school) but we want you to know that we all love you with all of our hearts.
Looking forward to having a yummy dinner and spending quality time with you at Kasturi's in Frankston - your favourite place....
Hip Hip Hooray for you today and everyday...
Love always Jo, Oliver and Alexandria xxxxx
Monday, April 23, 2012
Menu Plan Monday (21st May 2012 - 27th May 2012)
It's been a long time between posting Menu Plan Monday here - in fact my posting has been so irregular it's quite embarrassing. To be honest we have been so busy especially me with my work and travelling that some weeks we plan and others we have been flying by the seat of our pants.
However I decided it was time to get back to routine not only for being organised but it actually makes full sense considering how busy we actually are.
So here is this week's menu plan for our house:
Saturday ~ Roast Beef with Yorkshire Puddings, Vegetables and Gravy
Sunday ~ Roast Beef Rolls with Gravy
Monday ~ Beef with Kaffir Lime, Snow Peas and Cherry Tomatoes
Tue ~ Kasturi Indian Restaurant for Noel's Birthday
Wed ~ Pork, Mushroom and Sage Lasagne
Thu ~ Curried Chicken Pie
Fri ~ Salami, Capsicum and Feta Frittata and salad
Sunday ~ Roast Beef Rolls with Gravy
Monday ~ Beef with Kaffir Lime, Snow Peas and Cherry Tomatoes
Tue ~ Kasturi Indian Restaurant for Noel's Birthday
Wed ~ Pork, Mushroom and Sage Lasagne
Thu ~ Curried Chicken Pie
Fri ~ Salami, Capsicum and Feta Frittata and salad
Menu planning plays a major roll in our life! By menu planning it ensures that we have a weeks worth of meals organised which is especially useful Monday through Friday when there is not much of the day left after finishing work, picking up the kids from school and having to deal with the tasks of homework, clothes washing, showers, etc., and to do without the hassle of worrying WHAT we are cooking for dinner each night. Honestly if I left deciding what’s for dinner until I go home we wouldn’t eat until midnight!!
I know that our week starts on a Saturday but that’s just for the ease of fitting in with my grocery shopping which is normally done on a Friday night or Saturday afternoon. As usual more great menu ideas can be found at Menu Plan Monday over at I’m An Organising Junkie, don’t be shy pop over and have a look at other’s menu plans. You never know you may just find something different to have for dinner.
Some recipes for things we cook can be found over at our cooking blog, A Dash Of Flavour, normally posted after they have been cooked or just click on the links for each meal when they appear.
Happy cooking,
Jo xx
I know that our week starts on a Saturday but that’s just for the ease of fitting in with my grocery shopping which is normally done on a Friday night or Saturday afternoon. As usual more great menu ideas can be found at Menu Plan Monday over at I’m An Organising Junkie, don’t be shy pop over and have a look at other’s menu plans. You never know you may just find something different to have for dinner.
Some recipes for things we cook can be found over at our cooking blog, A Dash Of Flavour, normally posted after they have been cooked or just click on the links for each meal when they appear.
Happy cooking,
Jo xx
menu plan monday,
org junkie,
The return of Sunday football 2012
Today saw the start of the 2012 season for Junior Football.
Alex is playing in Under 11's and has the same coach, Kevin, again this year which she is happy about as am I. It's this team's first year of tackling (the last 2 years they have only been able to bump) so there were a few teething problems.
Oliver, after receiving a permit to play down from the league, is playing in Under 13's blue division with Russell as his coach. He played full back which Russell was impressed with but it's not a position that Ollie wants to stay in.
Although both teams lost their Round 1 games - all played well and I think all were excited to be kicking the leather around again. A great evening up the club rooms - quite a lot turned up. Oliver got an award for playing well which was a proud moment for Noel and I.
Alex is playing in Under 11's and has the same coach, Kevin, again this year which she is happy about as am I. It's this team's first year of tackling (the last 2 years they have only been able to bump) so there were a few teething problems.
Oliver, after receiving a permit to play down from the league, is playing in Under 13's blue division with Russell as his coach. He played full back which Russell was impressed with but it's not a position that Ollie wants to stay in.
Although both teams lost their Round 1 games - all played well and I think all were excited to be kicking the leather around again. A great evening up the club rooms - quite a lot turned up. Oliver got an award for playing well which was a proud moment for Noel and I.
GO BULLS 2012!!
karingal bulls
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