Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Ollie's camping again.... home today!

Despite a broken arm and being in plaster the school (and his parents) allowed Ollie to go to camp up in the Grampians.  It's an Outdoor Activities camp so he won't be able to participate in all the activities but the fact that he is getting out there in the wilderness with his mates was important to me.

He left Monday morning so has spent two nights away, as with all the camps for his year level they have to cook/prepare their own breakfasts, lunches and dinners while away.  Ollie was in charge with dinners so left armed with hot dogs for Monday night and Ravioli in Bolagnese Sauce for Tuesday. It will be interesting to see how they got on over the 3 days, what the camp was like and if they survived Ollie's cooking??

There is always a strange feel in the house when one of our members is missing... there is a saddened quietness especially from either child when the other sibling is absent.  For Noel and myself it's just too quiet - outright too quiet.  Not niggling or arguments, no dobbing and unfortunately no silly giggling!!

All will be back to normal by 3pm this afternoon.......

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