Wednesday, November 18, 2009

I got my cuddle.....

Last night we went to visit Vicky and Daniel in hospital. As I mentioned we didn't want to overcrowd them both over the weekend but decided that we would have a quick visit last night.

Vicky looked really well but both her and Sean looked exhausted. Daniel was asleep and looked adorable. I am not quite sure who wanted him to wake up more - me or Oliver. Oliver loves children and just stood rubbing Daniel's head ever so gently, amazed at the softness. Alex went over for a look every now and then but was more interested in playing with Christian or jumping on the hospital bed.. thankfully Vicky was sitting in a chair!!

I couldn't believe the colour of his hair, very Strawberry Blonde but could still end up being a Red Head like his father and uncle!

They are both coming home today so this will be when all the fun begins and their lives change for the better forever!!

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