Who ever called Christmas the "Silly Season" was spot on!! The whole place has gone mad!
Shopping centres are bursting at the seams, car parks are dreadful and full of irate drivers and to make things worse all my days are blurring into one and I don't know if I am coming or going at the moment.
I love having the Christmas tree up - if I wasn't such a traditionalist I am sure it would be up all year round.... the kids did a great job. The kids had fun decorating it as usual, not to mention their usual messing about!
Now this is better.......
Oliver had his Graduation on Tuesday night, a little sad to think that my "little boy" is growing up... this is his last year of primary (junior) school and he is venturing into the big wide world of secondary school next year! It was a good night. Great to see the girls and boys dressed up. All students did a reflective speech of their time at Kananook Primary and to thank their teachers. Oliver did really well with his speech.
Last night was the first time we sat down properly as a family for dinner as we have been so busy and all over the place. We had Veal Campagnola and it was delish.
Tonight we are off out for dinner with Sharon and Tom, which will be wonderful as we haven't really caught up with the two of them for awhile now and we do miss them. They are travelling overseas over Christmas and the New Year so this will be the first year in a quite a few that they haven't spent Christmas Day with us. We are going to the Frankston RSL so local and normally a good feed.
All happening tomorrow as my mam arrives from Queensland. I am really looking forward to seeing her as we haven't seen her since April this year. She arrives around 3pm and is catching the airport bus to Frankston so I will collect her from the bus stop at about 5.20pm.
The weekend is already shaping up to be busy - it's my last Saturday morning shift for the year, Jamie and the boys are coming for dinner on Saturday night, Sunday will have to take Mam shopping for Christmas presents and then it's back to work on Monday for 3 more days.
And the best bit my house is a MESS!!!!
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