Busy busy busy is the best way to describe us at the moment...... the weekend disappeared as usual with Megan and Rob's wedding, shopping, visiting friends and cleaning. Hence my menu plan Monday is now being posted on Tuesday!
The wedding was beautiful as was the food. The kids spent the evening at Vera's house which was a blessing as our babysitter cancelled early Friday morning.
As of today, Tuesday, my cousins Dennis and Pam are coming to stay with us for about a week. They are from Wales and are currently travelling around Australia. They have already been up to see my mam in Queensland so it's our turn now. I am really looking forward to seeing them as I think it's been about 11 years since they last came out to visit.
Anyway here are the meals we have planned this week:
Saturday ~ Megan and Rob's Wedding/Kids at Vera's
Sunday ~ Thai Pork Wraps with Satay Sauce
Sunday ~ Thai Pork Wraps with Satay Sauce
Monday ~ Pesto Fettucine with Chicken and Zucchini, Garlic Bread
Tue ~ Chargrilled Scotch Fillet, Creamy Peppercorn Sauce, Rosemary Smashed Potatoes, Roasted Cherry Tomatoes and Vegetables
Tue ~ Chargrilled Scotch Fillet, Creamy Peppercorn Sauce, Rosemary Smashed Potatoes, Roasted Cherry Tomatoes and Vegetables
Wed ~ Baked Lemon Chicken with Proscuitto and Fresh Herbs
Thu ~ Pork Tikka Masala with Steamed Rice
As you have probably gathered by now, I LIVE for menu planning! By menu planning it ensures that we have a weeks worth of meals organised which is especially useful Monday through Friday when there is not much of the day left after finishing work, picking up the kids from school and having to deal with the tasks of homework, clothes washing, showers, etc., and to do without the hassle of worrying WHAT we are cooking for dinner each night. Honestly if I left deciding what’s for dinner until I go home we wouldn’t eat until midnight!!
I know that our week starts on a Saturday but that’s just for the ease of fitting in with my grocery shopping which is normally done on a Friday night or Saturday afternoon. As usual more great menu ideas can be found at Menu Plan Monday over at I’m An Organising Junkie, don’t be shy pop over and have a look at other’s menu plans. You never know you may just find something different to have for dinner.
Some recipes for things we cook can be found over at our cooking blog, A Dash Of Flavour, normally posted after they have been cooked or just click on the links for each meal when they appear.
Happy cooking,
Thu ~ Pork Tikka Masala with Steamed Rice
Fri ~ Out for dinner with Dennis and Pam
Hummingbird Cake
Hummingbird Cake
As you have probably gathered by now, I LIVE for menu planning! By menu planning it ensures that we have a weeks worth of meals organised which is especially useful Monday through Friday when there is not much of the day left after finishing work, picking up the kids from school and having to deal with the tasks of homework, clothes washing, showers, etc., and to do without the hassle of worrying WHAT we are cooking for dinner each night. Honestly if I left deciding what’s for dinner until I go home we wouldn’t eat until midnight!!
I know that our week starts on a Saturday but that’s just for the ease of fitting in with my grocery shopping which is normally done on a Friday night or Saturday afternoon. As usual more great menu ideas can be found at Menu Plan Monday over at I’m An Organising Junkie, don’t be shy pop over and have a look at other’s menu plans. You never know you may just find something different to have for dinner.
Some recipes for things we cook can be found over at our cooking blog, A Dash Of Flavour, normally posted after they have been cooked or just click on the links for each meal when they appear.
Happy cooking,
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