Well once again the week started with a busy weekend.... so busy we had takeaway and then ate out the next day. Must stop doing this as it's no good for my waist nor my wallet but it is good fun!!
Eggs, Beans and Chips must be had this week otherwise Alex is going to scream - I have planned it for the last 3 weeks and she is loving the idea especially as Mam is going to cook chips - something that rarely happens and when it does they are healthy oven baked! In fact I think the dish is making my mouth water also as I was arguing yesterday that it should be on this weeks menu and we have been putting it off for weeks.... LOL!!!
The other thing that keeps getting put off is baking. It's something that Alex really enjoys doing with me and I have to say I enjoy spending the girly time together also. With us being busy most of the time it always gets put on the back burner and then sadly, never done. I have to make it a priority but it is hard as I myself am not a huge sweet lover.
Anyway here are the meals we have planned this week:
Saturday ~ Take Away Pizza
Sunday ~ Late lunch at New Graziers Steakhouse, Stamford Inn
Sunday ~ Late lunch at New Graziers Steakhouse, Stamford Inn
Monday ~ Eggs, Beans and Chips... yummm
Tue ~ Barbecue Mustard Veal Cutlets, Roasted Cherry Tomatoes and Vegetables
Tue ~ Barbecue Mustard Veal Cutlets, Roasted Cherry Tomatoes and Vegetables
Fri ~ Tandoori Chicken and Rice High Pie
Nothing planned for this week
Nothing planned for this week
As you have probably gathered by now, I LIVE for menu planning! By menu planning it ensures that we have a weeks worth of meals organised which is especially useful Monday through Friday when there is not much of the day left after finishing work, picking up the kids from school and having to deal with the tasks of homework, clothes washing, showers, etc., and to do without the hassle of worrying WHAT we are cooking for dinner each night. Honestly if I left deciding what’s for dinner until I go home we wouldn’t eat until midnight!!
I know that our week starts on a Saturday but that’s just for the ease of fitting in with my grocery shopping which is normally done on a Friday night or Saturday afternoon. As usual more great menu ideas can be found at Menu Plan Monday over at I’m An Organising Junkie, don’t be shy pop over and have a look at other’s menu plans. You never know you may just find something different to have for dinner.
Some recipes for things we cook can be found over at our cooking blog, A Dash Of Flavour, normally posted after they have been cooked or just click on the links for each meal when they appear.
Happy cooking,
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