It all started Friday night with the decision to have a nice relaxing evening just the four of us and watch a DVD together. That was great except for the fact that I fell asleep during the movie (which is actually quite normal for me!! LOL!!)
During the evening however Noel and I were still discussing the loungeroom and how much I hate the way it was set up and how it always a MESS. The positioning of the TV was all wrong for where the doors are... let me explain. To get to the toilet and the bedrooms you have to walk infront of the tv which can be painful when the playstation is out (leads everywhere not to mention children at all angles) or when there is a movie on or even just watching the TV in general. Secondly it always looked a MESS.... something I have very little patience for at the moment.. When I say MESS it has overtaken the comfortable lived in look and was just annoying! Brainwave happened and I explained to Noel, my beloved, that I think that the loungeroom would make a better dining room and the dining room would make a better loungeroom - let's swap it around. Well I cannot explain the facial expression but I felt I had a lot of convincing ahead of me for this to happen!
Saturday morning I went off to work, which for a change was quite busy. I spoke to Noel and the kids during the morning and they sounded as if they were having a nice relaxing time together. It wasn't until I got home that I saw that they had actually been quite busy and had started making the switch of the rooms. I nearly cried as they had really surprised me! So there was definately no rest for the wicked that afternoon as it was full steam ahead to finish the room changes, still a little cleaning to do, but I will be the first to admit that it looks fantastic. SO MUCH BETTER.......
bad blurry photo's taken on my phone but you get the idea, right?

Last night I think we were all exhausted from such a huge weekend that it was off to bed early for me and the troops.....