Tuesday, October 17, 2006

The cool change is finally arriving.

After quite a warm day the cool change is finally starting to arrive. Saying that the warm days are good to have after the winter.

Today I spent the day at both Harkaway and Lysterfield. So my day was broken up. Noel is doing overtime most nights this week also.

Oliver and Alex are getting more adventurous with their bike riding. They are fasinated that we are now allowing them to ride out of our court and across to the next court (where quite a few children live). Tonight they took my mobile phone so I could ring and tell them what time to come home.

We had our first official summer bbq tonight for tead and that was good. Everyone ate really well - Oliver even tried the coleslaw.

I am really tired tonight and off to Diggers Rest in the morning for another day off site training.

Bye for now.....


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