Currently I have been really busy with work, spending the last few weeks working out of Kilmore up in the country (North West of Melbourne). Hanson have acquired a new quarry right next door to our existing quarry and I have been asked to assist with the transition from them being an independent to our global multi level company systems.... I have to say it's been fun at times. I have been there for 4 weeks now spending 4 days each week there. Monday I return but only for 3 days this week and after that I will have a break for a few weeks before returning for month end.
The footy club have been hosting the Frankston & District Junior Football League Finals Series again this year for the third year running. Although it raises brilliant money for our club the days are long and hard. We have done really well so far for the first two weeks as the weather has been perfect unlike last year where it rained all four Sundays. I spend my time between counting monies from both canteens and bbq tents and when I can I have been helping out in the canteen also.
Last night we went to Nana and Grandad's for dinner to celebrate a few things. As they are flying out for a holiday in Port Douglas on Sunday Father's Day was one of the celebrations. As well as their 45th Wedding Anniversary which is today.
We finally caught up with Christian to give him his birthday present from last week, which I may just add don't know who loved the Manchester United soccer ball more - him or his father, Sean. He recently celebrated his 4th birthday.
It was great to catch up with most of the family as we haven't seen them for awhile. Unfortunately Vicky wasn't there as Daniel wasn't that well. I was soooo tired though as I had just driven in from Kilmore East arriving home at 6.05pm and we were meant to be at dinner at 6.30pm. A lovely roast lamb dinner was cooked for us which I really enjoyed after weeks of pub meals while away.
This morning I am working out of Yannathan Quarry, which is a sand plant. I am doing it as a favour as they have a big job on but it's great to catch up with some of my favourite truck drivers as. I still miss them from when I was in the weighbridge fulltime and I love seeing them again.... so many new faces though!!
Alex is getting excited as she goes on school camp on Monday. The camp is at Koonwarra, down in Gippsland and she will be away for 5 days (4 nights). There is horse riding there so she is really looking forward to that.
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