You may need to grab a cuppa with this post as I feel a long one coming up!! It seems like forever since I posted last and I know I have a lot to tell you.....
We all survived the Queen's Birthday holiday although we were kind of dissappointed. We had to make our own entertainment as the invitation for her party just hasn't arrived, maybe she doesn't have our new address (hhhmmm I will have to look into that) and you know you cannot just gate crash the Queen's party without being thrust into any form of media spotlight either! LOL!!
Seriously, it was great to have the Public Holiday on the Monday as that was an extra family day for us. Although saying that the whole weekend went as quickly as a normal one did. Okay so what did we do...
Saturday morning, I worked as usual whilst Noel and the kids did some cleaning and started getting food ready for the BBQ we were having on Saturday night with some friends coming over. We had invited some of our friends from the football club as I did have an ulterior motive to our free food... lol... I am glad our friends like us that's for sure! They came over to help repack the chocolates for the football fundraising drive - all 12,288 bars of chocolates!! As I said we felt it only fitting to provid the food as payment!! It was a great night and we all agreed that it was a shame that there was football on the next day as we could have kicked on into the wee hours of Sunday morning - actually we did with Noel and I getting into bed around the 12.30am mark!
Sunday was just as busy with a planned family breakfast with the Murray clan at The Cove in Patterson Lakes. The Cove do a all you can eat buffet breakfast every Sunday morning. We have been there before and although not all that impressive it's central for us all and not bad price wise. We only caught up with Mam, Dad and Christian as Sean and Vicky were ill. Mam and Dad picked up Christian on their way through and looked after him for the remainder of the day.
Mason, one of Oliver's team mates, was playing football on Sunday representing Karingal in the Frankston and Districts Junior Football League team. They played other teams from various other Leagues within Victoria. We went to watch the 3rd match due to our commitments in the morning. Oliver was quite impressed watching his mate on the field. Mason is an excellent football player, one that Oliver looks up to also.
All Monday morning I was waiting and must say I was eagerly awaiting the clock showing 10.30 as that's what time Jamie and the boys were due to visit. We hadn't planned to do anything as the weather was undecided whether it would rain or not. So we decided to play it by ear and go with what ever happened.
Whilst Jamie, Noel and myself chatted away all 6 kids just played together. It was fun to watch all of them interact and listen to their laughter. We had the playstation going, the DS's, the electric keyboard and microphone were over worked and definately out of tune!

We all sat down for a family lunch, a warming bowl of Lamb Stew and some nice fresh frenchstick and chatted about things that were happening, such as junior football, school and what we had all been up to.
As simple as it sounds it is not.... it is anything but simple. I haven't seen all the boys for quite a long time and have almost got used to the fact that my nephews do not know us at all... but I do believe times are changing. Monday was a day - one that was a long time coming but it was a day that I thoroughly enjoyed and one I will remember.
Jamie had the boys last weekend and honestly, I had to take advantage of the fact that he is willing to ensure that the boys stay in contact with me and my family, especially my mam. So, without Claire knowing, I organised with Jamie that we get together and given their marraige situation you can imagine that Jamie didn't mention it to her either. It is not that I didn't want Claire to know it's the fact of what is happening in her life at the moment and how she is reacting with her family (me and mam) with the level of interaction being very very minimal to almost non existent.
Having the extra day off from work meant that last week flew past, not that it is that unusual as we are generally busy anyway but it was a nice short week. Alex trained with her football team for the first time so that was a bit strange for her. Oliver had training as usual and yes we have managed to start distributing all the boxes of chocolates to other club members to sell. We are down to a few remaining boxes at home and I have to admit I am very happy with that.
Friday the kids had a "pupil free" day at school so that pleased them - a holiday on Monday and then another day off on Friday! Noel volunteered to have the day off with them - how ever I must say he didn't really take that much convincing! How lucky are they - a 3 day week and here I was bragging about working for only 4 days! hehehe Oliver organised to have a sleep over at Mason's house and as Alex couldn't miss out on any holiday action she asked if she could have Ella come over and have a sleepover. Ella's mam and dad both work full time like us so the only way we could organise it was to have Ella dropped off first thing in the morning.. so no sleep in for Noel and the kids as Ella arrived at 7am!! Oliver disappeared over to Mason's just after lunch - I think quite grateful to escape the two girls! Friday evening was great - no arguing etc Ella and Alex had a ball. The girls made their own pizza's for dinner, hired some movies and slept on matteresses on the loungeroom floor in true sleep over style!
Saturday Ella was picked up, Oliver was returned so it was back to normal. We had to take Alex up to the sports store to get her a pair of white shorts, a pair of skins and a pair of red socks for her football debut the following morning. She was quite excited about the whole thing so therefore needed the whole kit and caboodle!! I don't mind as at least she is out there playing a sport and if she likes football, that's great! After Friday and Friday night, Saturday night was nice and quiet and thoroughly enjoyed!
Although we have been getting up early on Sunday mornings to help Tanya with the football club canteen (the canteen I wasn't having anything to do with this year) both Noel and I had forgotten what it felt like having an under 9 footballer in the house. The game kicked off at 9am, Alex had to be at the clubrooms, which were away this week, by 8.30am and of course we were late!! Not too late, but late and of course she was making note of the time every minute! I would have to say that describing her as excited would surely have been an understatement! Getting her jumper brought on a excited yet nervous giggle fit and she just wanted to get out on the field and play!!

Her first game, she managed a few touches and a kick or two but the team had a win so that made the morning memorable for not only Alex but us, her parents!! Oliver helped out also and was the goal umpire for the game!
Oliver played football later in the morning and the result wasn't as great for his team. We actually played a strong side that I would describe as bullies and unfair but then I suppose I am a biased mam, especially when kids get hurt.

I am proud of Oliver, just as I am with Alex, for just getting out there and playing, participating in a team sport and bottom line all I want both of them to do is have fun!
Sunday afternoon became another afternoon of children swapping. Alex went for a play at Summer and Logan's house whilst Jet, their little brother, came to play the playstation with his mate 'Knackers' - Oliver's nickname he proudly answers to... (the nickname itself comes with a long explanation!).
Sunday nights are always up at the footyclub for us throughout the whole season. I may have mentioned before but each team presents a handful of kids awards for the game played and there is food available as well as the bar being open. We tend not to stay up there too late but as Noel is team manager, I am treasurer, and now with both the kids playing it something we feel we should continue to do. Last night Alex got an award for her non stop running and enthusiasm to her game - her first game. Corey, her coach, is spoiling his only girl in the team and of course, Alex idolizes Corey!!
Phew I suppose I should be glad that's it's Monday again and its work and school as normal.....