So just to give you a quick catch up of what the Murray family have been up to recently.........
We are now the proud owners of a Wii!! Oh and the Wii Fit package. Yes even though I was proclaiming that the kids have enough computerised gadgets I couldn't refuse. The interactive nature of the games was what changed my mind, not to mention the kids nagging! (Only joking!) The idea behind the mid year purchase was for all the family to get fit... including me and Noel. So far so good considering we are having tennis, baseball and bowling tornaments after the kids have gone to bed!!
Junior Football is still taking up our Sundays but only for a few more weeks. This season has taken a lot out of Noel and I so, without sounding selfish, we actually will be glad when the season is over for 2009. Both kids have played really well and enjoyed themselves - which is actually the most important thing. Oliver's team won't make it into the finals this year but have had some really great matches. Alex's team (under 9's) don't keep score, it's more just about getting out there and playing the game as it is with the under 10's.
The kids have recently just gone back to school after 2 weeks of school holidays. I spent several days home each week with them as did Noel. But inbetween all of my doctor's appointments etc, I cannot say that I did a great deal with them... maybe a little too much yelling!! LOL!!
We did venture to the Melbourne Zoo one day. It was great the four of us doing something fun together. Don't get me wrong we do a lot of things together but it's not always focussed on the children. We went on the Monday (Noel had an RDO) and although it was school holidays it was quieter than what the weekends normally are. The zoo is becoming such a magical place now with all the new exhibitions instead of the old cages that were boring and dull to look at. It is becoming more interactive between the people and the animals and their wildreness etc.
Noel surprised us all and booked tickets to the cinemas on the Thursday night before school holidays started. He purchased tickets for Oliver and himself to see Transformers 2. Alex, not impressed with the idea of seeing this movie as she was convinced she would be scared wanted to see The Hannah Montana Movie, even though Transformers was what I wanted to see also. But I have to say I was glad that I went with Alex, it actually wasn't a bad movie but I don't think Noel would have enjoyed it if he had drawn the short straw!! LOL!!
After months of planning we had our How To Host A Murder - "The Watersdown Affair". Set in 1936, in an English country mansion, 8 suspects (us and our guests) had to work out who amongst us was the murderer!! What an extremely fun night that was and I am sure that everyone enjoyed themselves dressing up and playing the game. Makes for such a fun dinner party.

As usual I will load up some photo's soon.....