Saturday, October 10, 2009

The weekend has suddenly become busy....

The weekend has suddenly become busy.... but I really don't mind at all....

Working until 12 takes a huge chunk out of Saturday but it's extra spending money and more time Noel can spend with the children by himself. He has been working long hours this last few weeks and has hardly spent any time with them, seeing them just before dinner and then they go off to bed. So Saturday mornings are his "quality" time.

It is a beautiful day here in Melbourne, the sun is shining and the wind calm.

This afternoon we are off to get the family portrait done. This should be interesting (especially seeing what Alex will decide to wear) but I am looking forward to it. The portrait itself will be framed and only costs $10 with all profits going back to the school. The trick is to walk away with the portrait only not the whole package that these companies put together so you are tempted to spend extra money. We did this a few years ago and I ended up purchasing the whole package for about $200... but they were nice photos.

We are all getting a little excited as I have confirmed a get together with Jamie and the boys for tomorrow. They are coming to our place for lunch and it will be great to see them again. It's been a few weeks but as much as I would love to see them everytime they are with Jamie, it is his time and he needs to enjoy all the time that he gets. While they are visiting, Jamie is actually painting the laundry ceiling for us as the paint is flaking from the heat of the dryer. Cost for painting the laundry ceiling is free lunch.... lol!!

So before we know it the weekend will be over but it will be enjoyed......

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